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2015年3月31日 (火)

今日の音楽 3月31日 遥かなる影 ; Music for today Mar 31 Close to you




An actor and a singer Richard Chamberlain was born in Los Angeles on March 31, 1934.

Richard Chamberlain has gained popularity  appointed to the hero of the TV drama "Dr. Kildare". He was active in the movie after then "Julius Caesar," "The Three Musketeers".

Also he has released the record as a singer. "Close to you" which was Carpenters hit in 1970 composed by Burt Bacharach was orginally written for him ans released in 1963.

2015年3月30日 (月)

今日の音楽 3月30日 交響曲第3番(ドヴォルザーク) ; Symphony No.3(Dvorak)



Symphony No. 3 in E major, op.10 of Dvorak was premiered in Prague in Smetana commander of the March 30, 1874.

This song is the first song that was premiered  in Dvorak's symphony. It is under the strong influence piece of Wagner that was prevalent at that time, in the second movement there is a quote from "Tannhauser".

2015年3月29日 (日)

今日の音楽 3月29日 ダンシング・クイーン ; Music for today Mar.29 Dancing Queen


"Dancing Queen" of Abba won a gold disc to March 29, 1977.

2015年3月28日 (土)

今日の音楽 3月28日 音の絵op.33 ; Music for today Mar.28 Études-Tableaux





Composer Rachmaninoff was dead in the United States in Beverly Hills March 28, 1943.

Rachmaninoff is a composer to represent the Moscow music school that successor to Tchaikovsky and known as a master of the piano. For such a reason,  he has composed many piano solo.

"Études-Tableaux" is a work of Volume 2  composed as piano Etudes. Op.33  was composed in 1911 and  op.39 was published in1920 . Although work number 33 was made in all nine songs, but   all six songs omitted the number 3-5  was published at that time . Although the third and fifth was discovered and published after his death, No. 4, because that has been adopted as a 6th work of op.39 after, making it the missing number.

This song is not a song that represents a specific paintings and scenes, so title or comments do not attached .

2015年3月27日 (金)

今日の音楽 3月27日 吟遊詩人 ; Music for today Mar. 27 The bard



Symphonic poem "The Bard"op.64  of Sibelius was premiered at the performance of Sibelius command Helsinki Philharmonic Association in March 27, 1913,

This song in the works of Sibelius which is one of the richest lyricism and luscious piece. A work depicting the bard to tell the epic "Kalevala" of Finland, is a two tube organization of the song that contains the bass clarinet. Many complaints of part, also spacious tempo, but with high effect is obtained in the second half of climax.

2015年3月26日 (木)

今日の音楽 3月26日 8つのミニチュアズ ; Music for today Mar.26  8 Instrumental Miniatures



8 Instrumental Miniatures  for 15 player of Stravinsky was premiered on March 26, 1962.

This song is one that was arranged by the piano piece "Les cinq doigts" that was composed in 1921 . It is organized two of flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons and a horn, and 2 players of violins, violas and cello. There are eight Variations in 7 minutes a little playing time , it is plain while a little funky song.

2015年3月25日 (水)

今日の音楽 3月25日 交響曲第5番(ドヴォルザーク) ; Music for today Mar.25 Symphony No.5(Dvorak)




Symphony No. 5 in F major op.76 of Dvorak was premiered in Prague on March 25, 1879.

When the symphony No. 6 previous songs of Dvorak is compared to the number 7 and later song, is an opportunity to be less  played is considerably. Indeed, early symphony was lacking in "Dvorak ness" so strong is the influence of Wagner also not very Slavic colorsstrongly, but they are the work of large composer, it is by no means obsolete song.

The No. 5 is the idyllic and Slavic specific colors are coming out, and it is ot dignified songs.

2015年3月24日 (火)

今日の音楽 3月24日 ニュールンベルグ裁判 ; Music for today Mar.24 Judgment at Nuremberg





Movie actor Richard Widmark died in Connecticut in March 24, 2008.

Richard Widmark passed the audition in "Kiss of Death" in 1947, he  was suddenly nominated for Academy Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role. Then he is active around the villain such as killers and cold commander, was eventually appeared in many works as an actor that played both good guys and bad buys.

He was playing a prosecutor role in the "Judgement at Nuremberg" of 1961 masterpiece.

"Judgement at Nuremberg" is a work that judge the Nazi war criminals after World War II, music  was charged by Ernest Gold.

2015年3月23日 (月)

今日の音楽 3月23日 交響曲第3番(グリエール) ; Music for today Mar.23 Symphony No.3(Gliere)





Third Symphony of Gliere "Ilya Muromets" in B minor op.42 was premiered on March 23, 1912.

This song is a large piece such as 4 tube organization and playing time of around 20 minutes to an hour. It is a music compilation with the song that also true of the Gliere.

With the name of the title of "Ilya Murometsu" legendary hero of the 10th century Russia, this song is made up of traditional four movements, but it is a complete title music.

This song itself is very dramatic, I think whether not more of popularity came out if it is short a little more length. In Japan evaluation of Gliere is by no means high, but it is the song that does not hurt to listen.

2015年3月22日 (日)

今日の音楽 3月22日 蘇る金狼のテーマ ; Music for today Mar.22 The theme of "The Resurrection of the Golden Wolf"

映画監督 村川透は1937年3月22日に山形県村山市で生まれました。

村川は、日活に入社し数本の映画を監督した後に退社しましたが、1976年にテレビドラマ「大都会 闘いの日々」で監督に復帰し、その時俳優松田優作と出会いました。



Film director Toru Murakawa was born in Murayama city, Yamagata Prefecture on March 22, 1937.

Murakawa, which has left the company after overseeing the number movies joined Nikkatsu, it returns to the director in the TV drama  "Daitokai Tatakai no hibi(Metoropolism, the days of fights)" in 1976, and he met with that time actor Yusaku Matsuda.

In 1978 Yusaku Matsuda of starring in the "Mottomo kikennna yugi (most dangerous game)" to return to the film director, he has many hit piece combi with Matsuda  in film and television drama . Even death of Matsuda, he has working on a number of movies and dramas.

"The Resurrection of the Golden Wolf" is a work that movie based on  hard-boiled novels of Haruhiko Oyabu in 1979, and  theme song was sung by Yoko Maeno who was the original Pedro & Capricious vocalist.

2015年3月21日 (土)

今日の音楽 3月21日 愛・おぼえていますか ;Music for today Mar.21  Ai oboeteimasuka

ミュージシャン 加藤和彦は1947年3月21日に京都で生まれました。




Kazuhiko Kato musician was born in Kyoto in March 21, 1947.

Kazuhiko Kato  had been active in amateur folk group "The Folk Crusaders", "Kaettekita Yopparai" in their own expense production album "Harenchi" that was released in dissolution commemoration is to become a topic covered in the broadcasting , record companies have approached the story of debut. Although Kazuhiko Kato was reluctant, by Osamu Kitayama persuasion ,he accepted pro debut only one year limited, so  they were  disbanded following year, leaving eight singles and two albums.

Kazuhiko Kato worked as a solo activities and composer till  his death in suicide seen cause depression in 2009.

The "Ai Oboeteimasuka(Do you remember love?" is the theme song of the animated film "The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love?", voice actor Naoko Iijima truth of Lynn Minmay role has sung. This song is not merely a theme song, but  is the music that has a main and important implications.

2015年3月20日 (金)

今日の音楽 3月20日 室内協奏曲(ベルク) ; Music for today Mar.20 Kammerkonzert(Berg)



Chamber Concerto of Berg was premiered in Berlin in March 20, 1927.

The song has been composed for solo violin, solo piano and 13 wind instruments.
Thisi is composede in atonal music,and he use the sound column of composer name of Viennese School as motif. Arnold Schoenberg A-D-Es-C-H-B-E-G, is Anton Webern A-E-B-E and Alban Berg himself  A-B-A-B-E-G.

2015年3月19日 (木)

今日の音楽 3月19日 漂流者へ ; Music for today Mar.19 Hyouryusha-e


1976年に「瞑想」で歌手デビューをして、翌年3枚目のシングル「マイ・ピュア・レディ」が資生堂のCMに使われてヒットしました。1978年には南沙織に提供した「春の予感 -I've been mellow」がヒットしてからは、歌手としても、ソング・ライターとしても大活躍しています。




Ami Ozaki ,singer-songwriter was born in Kyoto in March 19, 1957.

Her  singer debut was Album "Meiso" in 1976, the next year the third piece of the single "My Pure Lady" used to CM of Shiseido was a hit . And she offered to Saori Minami "Haru no yokan -I've been mellow" is also hit in 1978, since then she has been  very active as a singer and a song writer.

The main provision song

Anri "Olivia wo kikinagara," "Chichukai Dream"
Naoko Kawai   "Soyokaze no Melody "
Mariko Takahashi "Anata no sora wo tobitai " "Hyouryushae"
Seiko Matsuda "Tenshino Wink," "Boy no Kisetsu"
Arisa Mizuki "Densetsu no shoujo"

"Hyoryushae" is a song that has been recorded in the 2nd album of Mariko Takahashi.

2015年3月18日 (水)

今日の音楽 3月18日 フェーム ; Music for today Mar.18 Fame





An actress and a singer-songwriter Irene Cara was born in New York Bronx on March 18, 1959.

Irene Cara had worked as a child actor from a young age, and she apperard first time a movie in the "Fame" in 1980. Although initially was scheduled dancer role, but producer heard her song ,he changed to cast her as singer and   sang the theme song . She  awarded the Academy Award for Best Original Song by it.

What get her name worldwide  was the movie theme song of "Flashdance", "What-a-feeling". Become a US # 1 hit, also won Best Female singing Award Grammy  and won her second Academy Award for Best Original Song.

After then she met the misfortune of music activities can not be performed almost, and has continued to small activities.

2015年3月17日 (火)

今日の音楽 3月17日 4手のためのワルツ集(ブラームス) ; Music for today Mar.17 Sixteen waltz(Brahms)




Sixteen waltz op.39 for four hands of Brahms was published in 1865, and has been published premiered on March 17, 1869.

In waltz collection there are a total of 16 songs, for sales after publication was strong, it has been transcribed also for piano solo.
It is a song collection rich in changes in a variety of styles such as Performance is also relatively simple, Ländler style , Hungarian style , Slavic-style, Serenade style.

Especially No. 15 has been widely known.

2015年3月16日 (月)

今日の音楽 3月16日 パイレーツ・オヴ・カリビアン ; Music for today Mar.16 Pirates of the Caribbean





Film director Verbinski was born in Tennessee Oak Ridge on March 16, 1964.

Verbinski studyed filmmaking at UCLA, and was the film debut through the production of music videos and CM in 1997 in the "Mouse Hunt".

"Pirates Ovu Caribbean / The Curse of the Black Pearl" that he directed in 2003 got mega hit and he continued to direct till the third virsion .

Music was charged by  Klaus Badelt .

2015年3月15日 (日)

今日の音楽 3月15日 カマリンスカヤ ; Muisic for today Mar.15 Kamarinskaya



"Kamarinsukaya" of Glinka was premiered on March 15, 1850.

"Kamarinsukaya" is a symphonic poem by two material which is dance song "Kamarinsukaya" and wedding song "from a high mountain" . composed by Glinka who called the father of modern Russian music.

It has been referred  as the orchestral utilizing the Russian material  and Tchaikovsky said "All of the Russian Symphony work, began from this song"

2015年3月14日 (土)

今日の音楽 3月14日 鬼警部アイアンサイド ; Music for today Mar.14 Ironside




Quincy Jones composer and music producer was born in Chicago in March 14, 1933.

Starting with success from Quincy Jones the 1950s, has become the largest contributor of one of American pop world. In particular, he is known in the tag with Michael Jackson.

Theme song of the drama "Ironside" which was a hit in Japan also is due to Quincy hand. (To say that it is used in the program called "TV human interest stories Weekender" and became famous)

2015年3月13日 (金)

今日の音楽 3月13日 バキアーナス・ブラジレイラス第7番 ; Music for today Mar.13 Bachianas Brasileiras No.7




第7番は、3管編成の4曲の組曲です。バッハ風のタイトルは 前奏曲、ジグ、トッカータ、フーガで、ブラジル風タイトルはポンティオ、カイピラ風カドリーユ、一騎打ち、対話です。

Bachianas Brasileiras No. 7 of Villa=Lobos has been premiered at the performance of Teatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro Orchestra conducted by himself to March 13, 1944.

Villa-Lobos Although  composed the 9 "Bachianas Brasileiras" , organization of the instrument is different.  7 , # 8 and # 4 revised version is  only for orchestra . No. 1 for eight cello, N.2 for chamber orchestra, No. 3 for piano and orchestra, No. 4 for Piano, No. 5 is for soprano solo and eight of cello,  No. 6 for flute and bassoon duo, No. 9 for string orchestra.

No. 7 is a suite of four songs of 3 tube organization. Bach-style title prelude, jig, Toccata and fugue, Brazil-style title Ponteio, Quadrilha Caipira , Desafio,Conversa.

2015年3月12日 (木)

今日の音楽 3月12日 チェロ交響曲(ブリテン) ; Music for today Mar.12 Cello symphony




Symphony for Cello and Orchestra of Britten was premiered at the performance of cello solo of Rostropovich and  the Moscow Philharmonic in March 12 1964.

This song is sometimes referred to as the cello concerto, but because cello and orchestra argue neck and neck and s made up of four movements , it is considered to be attached from it is strong element of symphony .

Beginning dominate dissonance and avant-garde sound, but it  will continue to put out a gradually Britain ish classic style. When are accustomed to listen to the other songs of Britain and a little feel uncomfortable, but convince If you listen to the last.

2015年3月11日 (水)

今日の音楽 3月11日 交響曲第96番「奇蹟」(ハイドン) ; Music for today May.11 Symphony No.96"(Haydn)

ハイドンの交響曲第96番ニ長調 Hob.Ⅰ-96は1791年3月11日に初演されました。



Symphony No. 96 in D major Hob.Ⅰ-96 of Haydn was premiered on March 11, 1791.

The title of this song(Miracle) was named from a episode that  the ceiling of the chandelierwas dropped at the time of the premiere , because audience was just coming closer to the stage for Haydn coming  appeared on stage of applause, no one was hurt, . Now, this episode have been negative, that there was such incident when playing the 102 number has been confirmed.

Therefore, there is no relationship at all the contents of the title and the song. And that appeared two violin solo in the coda of  second movement, is exceptionally airy finale features Among the many Haydn song of what nimble.

2015年3月10日 (火)

今日の音楽 3月10日 交響詩「プシュケ」 ; Music for today Mar.10 Psyché



第1部 プシュケの眠り
第2部 西風に運ばれたプシュケ
第3部 エロスの花園
第4部 プシュケとエロス
第5部 悩みと嘆き
第6部 ブシュケの許し


Symphonic poem "Psyche" of Franck was premiered on March 10, 1888.

"Psyche" was originally composed as a symphonic poem of large organization with a chorus consisting of 6 parts, but chorus is omitted and   often to be played as orchestral works of 4 parts in the current,

"Psyche" is in the name of God, which means "soul" in Greek mythology, story by Psyche and Eros (god of love) has been expressed in this song.
Part 1  Sommeil de Psyche(Sleep of Psyche)
Part2  Psyche enlevee (Psyche carried  westerly )
Part 3 Jardin d'Eros (The garden of  Eros )
Part 4 Psyche et Eros( Psyche and Eros )
Part 5 Souffrances et plaintes( trouble and grief )
Part6  Pardon de Psyche (fogiveness of Psyche)

And when it is played in 4 parts,  Part 5 and Part 6 are omitted.

Because it is music of Frank, I do not have a very sensual, if there only work called the culmination of Frank's music, thjs is  quite well at listening .

2015年3月 9日 (月)

今日の音楽 3月9日 ORACION-祈り- ; Music for today Mar.9 ORACION-Inori-




Lyricist Etsuko Kisugi was born in Tokyo on March 9, 1948.

Most of the work of Etsuko Kisugi has been composed by Takao  Kisugi who is his brother, especially from the 1970s and 1980s it was offered in a variety of artists a lot of hits.

"ORACION- Inorir" is a song  of the movie "Yushun -ORACION-" as the image song sung by Yuki Saito and Kisugi Takao.

2015年3月 8日 (日)

今日の音楽 3月8日 Innocent world ; Music for today Mar.8 Innocent world

Mr. Children のボーカリストでギタリストの桜井和寿は1970年3月8日に東京都練馬区で生まれました。

Mr. Childrenは1992年にメジャー・デビューし2002年に小脳梗塞で約半年間の休養はありましたが、日本のトップ・バンドとして活躍を続けています。

桜井は、Mr.childrenの殆どの曲の作詞作曲をしています。「Innocent world」は5枚目のシングルで、初のオリコン1位に輝いた曲です。

Guitarist and vocalist  of Mr. Children  Kazutoshi Sakurai is was born in Nerima-ku, Tokyo on March 8, 1970.

Mr. Children will have continued to working as although there was the rest of about half a year in the cerebellum infarction of Sakurai in 2002  from  major debut in 1992, as the top band of Japan.

Sakurai  has a songwriting of most of the songs Mr.children. "Innocent world" is the 5th single,  that won the first Oricon No. 1.

2015年3月 7日 (土)

今日の音楽 3月7日 ツィガーヌ ; Music for today Mar.7 Tzigane



「ツィガーヌ」は「ロマ(ジプシー)」をあらわすフランス語です。バスク地方はスペイン系ロマが多く生活しているためにラヴェルは「ロマ」の音楽にも興味を持ったようです。ラヴェルは、1924年にロンドンで行われるラヴェル祭のためにヴァイオリン・ソナタを作曲しようとしていましたが、ハンガリーのヴァイオリニスト イェーリーの演奏を聴いて感銘を受け、ハンガリー的な音楽を取り入れたものが「ツィガーヌ」です。



Composer Maurice Ravel was born in Ciboure of southwest France Basque Country on March 7, 1875.

Ravel, holding a longing to Spain for Basque born, has composed a number of music and theme of Spain. Such as "L'heure espagnole," "Rapsodie espagnole" "Bolero," "Alborada del gracioso" is an example. It  was told "It's more than people in Spain" by composer Falla of Spain.

"Tzigane" is French that represents the "Roma (Gypsy)". There lives many Spanish-Roma in Basque, are many life ,he seems interested in music of "Roma". Ravel, had been trying to compose Violin Sonata for Ravel Festival that takes place in London in 1924, but he impressed listening to performances of Hungarian violinist Jelly , so he took in the Hungarian music "Tzigane".

Originally, has been composed for violin and piano Luthéal. Piano Luthéal is in the piano fitted with a temporary equipment, put out the sound, such as the lute and harpsichord. Ravel is as aware of the folk instruments cimbalon of Hungary.

The song premiered in Jelly violin and piano of Gil-Marchex to April 26, 1924, was Paris premiere for playing her violin and the piano Luthéal  Ravel own subsequently October 15. In November it has been transcribed in orchestra accompaniment premiere.

2015年3月 6日 (金)

今日の音楽 3月6日 交響曲第4番(ドヴォルザーク) ; Music for today Mar.6 Symphony No.4(Dvorak)



Dvorak's Symphony No. 4 in D minor op.13, B14 has been premiered in Prague on March 6, 1892.

Dvorak has earned a high scholarship  by submitting Symphony No. 3, this song and chamber music to the Austrian Ministry of Culture  Work itself, beautiful melody has been used abundantly .like Dvorak Influence of Wagner is come out strongly, especially the third movement is has been said to be very similar to "Tannhauser".

2015年3月 5日 (木)

今日の音楽 3月5日 ピアノ協奏曲第2番(マクダウェル) ; Music for today Mar.5 Piano concerto No.2(MacDowell)




Piano Concerto No. 2 in D minor, op.23 of McDowell was premiered on March 5, 1889.

McDowell who is a famous in  "Woodland Sketches " and its included song  "To a wild rose," but also composed several songs for Orchestra. Piano Concerto No.2 that is said to be the most outstanding work in it. McDowell in order that had been committed to Grieg, will be pointed out the similarity of the piano concerto of Grieg, but it is quite a excellent work.

I think it's a good song and want to liseten by more people.

2015年3月 4日 (水)

今日の音楽 3月4日 交響曲第2番(ルーセル)



Symphony No. 2 in B flat major of Roussel has been premiered at the performance of Rene Baton Conductor Concerts Pasdeloup on March 4, 1922.

This song is in most of the epic to take 40 minutes to play in spite of three movements  in the symphony of four songs of Roussel  . Although premiere at the time  said to be very esoteric song, seems Roussel, in the somewhat heavy style is impressionist music prime France. But if you listen now, it is the song where you can enjoy a variety of elements in the visceral.

2015年3月 3日 (火)

今日の音楽 3月3日 ピアノと管弦楽のためのロンドK.382 ; Music for today Mar.3 Rondo for piano and orchestra

モーツァルトのピアノと管弦楽のためのロンド ニ長調K.382 は、ピアノ協奏曲第5番の改訂版の終楽章として1782年3月3日に初演されました。



Rondo in D major K.382 for Piano and Orchestra of Mozart was premiered  in March 3, 1782. as finale of revised version of the Piano Concerto No. 5 .

From No. 1 to No.4  piano concerto of Mozart,  there were Sonatas arranger of CPE Bach and Schobert etc., so No. 5 was the first piano concerto virtually. he  composed in 1773, Mozart had affection for this song was added to the revised orchestra in around 1777, and newly rewrite the finale further in 1782.

No. 5 is a very light-hearted songs plus a trumpet and timpani to organize. Because this "Rondo" is actually subject,seven of Variations , a cadenza and coda,it is a variation consisting.

2015年3月 2日 (月)

今日の音楽 3月2日 交響曲第98番(ハイドン) ; Music for today Mar.2 Symphony No.98(Haydn)



Symphony No. 98 in B flat major, No. Hob.Ⅰ-98 of Haydn was premiered on March 2, 1792.

This song is a song that was written at the time of 1792 of Haydn first London trip. If you listen to the introduction of first movement , maybe you  image the profound music, but finale movement is quite  different music of flavor. Very rare harpsichord has been used as a symphony. It is used as a basso continuo until the middle, but in the end it has even how to be used, such as the solo. This harpsichord puroduce  a indescribably and lovely  finale.

2015年3月 1日 (日)

今日の音楽 3月1日 バナナ・ボート ; Music for today Mar. 1 Banana Boat song



「バナナ・ボート」は日本では「イテテイテテ・・・」と聴こえる歌詞によって有名になり、多くの歌手にカバーされましたが、本当は「イテテ」と聴こえるのは「me say day」です。

Singer Harry Belafonte  was born in New York.March in 1, 1927,

In 1956 "Banana Boat" got a big hit , and joined the ranks of Star, and he  has got a number of hit . Also he efforts to empower black and has proposed the "" USA for Africa "for hunger relief in Africa .in 1985

"Banana Boat" is in Japan to become famous by lyrics that hear the "Itete Itete ...(means ouch!)", and covered a lot of singers, but really word we hear  "Itete" is "me say day".

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