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« 2015年1月 | トップページ | 2015年3月 »

2015年2月28日 (土)

今日の音楽 2月28日 サティスファクション ; Music for today Feb.28 Satisfaction

イギリスのミュージシャン ブライアン・ジョーンズは1942年2月28日にチェルトナムで生まれました。



Musician Brian Jones of England was born in Cheltenham on February 28, 1942.

He met  Mick Jagger and Keith Richards in 1962, and  become organized the Rolling Stones in 1963 as its leader. Although initially had aimed a band to listen the real R & B, the band original intention becomes stronger, and went to become center of the band of Mick and Keith. Therefore, Brian withdrew in 1969 and now drowning in drugs, and has made death a mystery after its one month later.

"Satisfaction" is the representative song of Rolling Stones initial was released in 1965.

2015年2月27日 (金)

今日の音楽 2月27日 弦楽四重奏曲第9番(ドヴォルザーク) ; Music for today Strings Quartet No.9(Dvorak)



String Quartet9 in D minor, op.34, B.75  of Dvorak  was premiered on February 27, 1882.

This song, which was composed in order to dedicated to Brahms, has elements of Slavic folk song.  The second movement he was using the polka that has been prevalent in the Czech Republic at that time.

2015年2月26日 (木)

今日の音楽 2月26日 ヘブライの主題による序曲 ; Music for today Feb.26 Overture on Hebrew Themes




Overture on Hebrew Themes by Prokofiev op.34 was premiered in New York in February 26, 1920.

This song is a piece of the times Prokofiev had defected to the United States, was composed at the request of Zimro Ensemble who was  Jewish  musicians and fleeing from Russia.

It is provided a number of melody transmitted to the Jewish people, and was written as Sextet (a clarinet String Quartet and a piano). It is a short song of less than 10 minutes, but Prokofiev has arrangements to orchestra music in  1934.

2015年2月25日 (水)

今日の音楽 2月25日 美しき人生 ; Music for today Feb.25 What is life

ミュージシャン ジョージ・ハリスンは1943年2月25日にリヴァプール近郊で生まれました。



Musician George Harrison was born in near by Liverpool in February 25, 1943.

Beatles era, he was not  inconspicuous  with Paul and John, but in the solo activities I think at the music surface, he  was the most unique. in the members of the former Beatles.

"What is life" was the second  single of album "All Things Must Pass" after "My Sweet Road", which was released in 1970, . Olivia Newton = John  covered it  before her  break.

2015年2月24日 (火)

今日の音楽 2月24日 弦楽セレナーデ(スーク) ; Music for today Feb.24 Serenade for strings(Suk)




Serenade for Strings in E-flat major op.6 of Suk has been premiered on February 24, 1894.

Speaking of Serenade for Strings, song of Tchaikovsky, Dvorak and Elgar  is famous ,but it is also very charming song. Suk is born of the Czech, but it is not a strong issue style folk color.

However, if you listen to this song, you'll think it's somehow Czech-ish sound.

2015年2月23日 (月)

今日の音楽 2月23日 狩のカンタータ ; Music for today Feb.23 Jagdkantate



Cantata No. 208 of JS Bach "Was mir behagt, ist nur muntre Jagd!" (Jagdkantate) BWV.208 was premiered to birthday celebrate of Duke Christian of Saxe-Weissenfels in February 23, 1713.

It is very bright and cheerful song, and popular song among Bach's secular cantata. It is configured with all 15 songs, especially Aria the ninth song "Schafe Köennen sicher weiden", had been once also popular as a theme song for "Baroque in the morning" of NHK-FM radio .

2015年2月22日 (日)

今日の音楽 2月22日 アメリアの遺言 ; Music for today Feb.22 El testament d'Amèlia




Spanish composer Llobet died February 22, 1938.

Llobet was born in Barcelona, ​​he worked as a guitarist. Also performed composers of guitar songs, and is particularly known for music tinged with Catalonia peculiar melancholy.

" El testament d'Amèlia" is something that was arranged by the Catalan folk song sung in a long time.

2015年2月21日 (土)

今日の音楽 2月21日 ピアノと管弦楽のためのインタープレイ ; Music for today Feb.21 Interplay for piano and orchestra




Composer Morton Gould died in February 21, 1996.

Gould studied piano and composition at the Juilliard School of Music at the time of the 8-year-old, began working as a pianist at the movie theater in teenager. He composed with a combination of classical music and popular music,  and his works was in various genres such as film music .ballet music and jazz, so on.

Inter play for piano and orchestra is music for the ballet, which was premiered by the New York City Ballet in 1945.

2015年2月20日 (金)

今日の音楽 2月20日 サークル・ゲーム ; Music for today Feb. 20 Circle Game



Buffy Sainte-Marie of singer and song writer was born in Canada in February 20 1941.

She was born as the native american in Canada and active in the 1960s . "The Circle  game" is the movie theme of "The Strawberry Stateiment"  made by Judy Collinsand was sung by Buffy  Sainte- Marie . "The Strawberry Statement" is the non-fiction of student movement  from 1966 to1968 years writen by  James   Kunen who was a Rector of Columbia University at that time. It is a popular high movie as masterpiece of American  New  Cinema.

2015年2月19日 (木)

今日の音楽 2月19日 交響曲第3番(シューベルト) ; Music for today Feb.19 Symphony No.3(schubert)



Symphony No. 3 in D major, D200 of Schubert has been premiered in London on February 19, 1881 more than 50 years after his death.

This song is a piece of 18-year-old Schubert, and still remains the influence of Mozart and Haydn, but has come out Schubert of personality compared to the 2 previous symphonies. The first movement begins with heavy intro, but if you listen to the first theme nor Haydn in Mozart, it is truly music of Schubert.

2015年2月18日 (水)

今日の音楽 2月18日 芸術家の生活 ; Music for today Feb.18 Künstlerleben





Op.316 "Künstlerleben" Johann Strauss waltz was premiered on February 18, 1867.

The three days before premiere of "Künstlerleben" , "The Blue Danube" has been premiered , but this two songs'  style is quite different.  "Blue Danube" is composed as concert piece, so tempo  and modulation changes are many and ups and downs is very large , but the "Künstlerleben" have been composed for dance , so  alomost waltz tempo.

The reason that playing effect it is little monotoneus will be such  difference.

2015年2月17日 (火)

今日の音楽 2月17日 交響曲第93番(ハイドン) ; Music for today Feb.17 Sumphony No.93(Haydn)




Symphony No. 93 in D major Hob.Ⅰ-93 of Haydn was premiered at the 1st Zaromon concert in London.

The # 93 is the first piece of Zaromon set of his later years , but ended up with sober existence by being sandwiched between the number 92 "Oxford"and  94 th "The superise".

However, the song itself has become a symphony that was a stocky.

2015年2月16日 (月)

今日の音楽 2月16日 酸っぱい経験 ; Music for today Feb.16 Suppai Keiken




Actress Yumi Takigawa was born in Ogikubo Suginami-ku, Tokyo on February 16, 1951.

She was movie debut in "School of the Hoky Beast" in junior college student, after then she has been active numerous movies and TV drama.

She also launched several sheets of record as a singer, and most of the hit is CM song "Kagome," "Suppai Keiken".

2015年2月15日 (日)

今日の音楽 2月15日 アイス・キャッスル ; Music for today Feb.15 Ice castles



「アイス・キャッスル」はフィギュア・スケート界のアイドルだったリン=ホリー・ジョンソン主演のスポコン映画。このテーマ曲 "Looking through the eyes of love"をメリサ・マンチェスターが歌っていました。

Singer Melissa Manchester was born in New York in February 15, 1951.

Because his father was a bassoonist, she was familiar to music from an early age, so ,from 15-year-old including the singer activities. She learned Faculty of Arts of New York University and studied composer from Paul Simon . She  has continued to play an active part by a full-fledged singer debut From 1973.

"Ice Castles" is Spokon  movie of Lynn-Holly Johnson starring who was idol in figure skating world. Melissa Manchester had singing this theme song "Looking through the eyes of love"

2015年2月14日 (土)

今日の音楽 2月14日 輝きながら ; Music for today Feb.14 Kagayakinagara



主な曲としては、高橋真梨子for you...」、中森明菜Desire-情熱-」、三好鉄生「涙をふいて」、アニメ「みゆき」のエンディング・テーマ「想い出がいっぱい」など。徳永英明が歌った「輝きながら」は徳永の出世作となりました。

Composer of Kisaburo Suzuki was born in Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture on February 14, 1953.

Kisaburo  began music activities with the aim of blues after graduating from high school, and to change course to  composer and has composed the song of a wide range of genres.

The main song, Mariko Takahashi "for you ...", Akina Nakamori "Desire- passion -", Tessei  Miyoshi"Namida wo fuite" , such as anime Ending of "Miyuki", "Omoide ga ippai."  The "Kagayakinagara" Hideaki Tokunaga sang it became Tokunaga career work.

2015年2月13日 (金)

今日の音楽 2月13日 ピアノ協奏曲第18番(モーツァルト) ; Music for today Feb.13 Piano concerto No.18(Mozart)


この曲は、オーストリアの盲目のピアニスト マリア・テレジア・フォン・パラディスの為に作曲された曲です。陰影による起伏があり、なかなかドラマチックな曲です。

Piano Concerto No. No. 18 in B flat major K.456 Mozart was premiered on February 13, 1785.

This song is a song that was written for the blind pianist Maria Theresia von Paradis of Austria. There are ups and downs due to shading, it is quite dramatic song.

2015年2月12日 (木)

今日の音楽 2月12日 ワルツ「スペイン」 ; Music for today Feb.12 Waltz"Espana"




French composer Waldteufel died in Paris on February 12, 1915.

Waldteufel, known for "Les Patineurs " , can say  the French version of Johann Strauss .He has composed a number of dance music.

Waltz "Espana" is a song that was to simply 3 beat waltz a little rhythm twisted Rhapsody "Espana" of Chabrier. Fun of the original song has been completely lost, but please try to listen to think a little sideshow.

2015年2月11日 (水)

今日の音楽 2月11日 ゴンドラの唄 ; Music for today Feb.11 Gondora no uta




Takashi Shimura actor died at the age of 76 to February 11, 1982.

Takashi Shimura had appeared in numerous films as actor, but do we forget again it would be meeting with Akira Kurosawa. Since its appearance in 1st work of Akira Kurosawa "Sanshiro Sugata" in 1943, and has appeared in 21 of 25 works that were made before Shimura's death.

Among them, it has been handed down as the famous scene is  that pick up the hero Watanabe  played by  Shimura death scene . It was a scene that dying while humming the "Gondora no uta" in the swing of the park that he made.

2015年2月10日 (火)

今日の音楽 2月10日 セレナーデ第2番(ブラームス) ; Music for today Feb.10 Serenade No.2(Brahms)





Serenade No. 2 in A major op.16 of Brahms was premiered in Hamburg on February 10, 1860.

This song is serenade of multi-movement format similar to the conventional. In young Brahms works still in their 20s, it is very lush song. However, it is also the song is less chance that the most played in the few orchestral works of Brahms.

The reason can be found in the organization. 2 tube of woodwind group and the piccolo, the two horns, strings orchestra of viola, cello, and double bass. This means that It has no violin. The song that is no violin in orchestra, since there is some chance of being  played.

And that there is no violin, treble will be only woodwind. It sounds Astringent and calm.

2015年2月 9日 (月)

今日の音楽 2月9日 ウルトラ警備隊の歌 ; Music for today Feb.9 The song of Ultra Garrison

円谷プロダクションの2代目の社長 円谷一は1973年2月9日に脳溢血で亡くなりました。



Second generation of president of Tsuburaya Productions Hajime Tsuburaya died in cerebral hemorrhage on February 9, 1973.

Hajime  was born as eldest son of "God of special effects" Eiji Tsuburaya , and he had been working as a director in TBS television. He  changed to the movie part that was established in 1963 , and he pruduced  TBS's first special effects drama "Ultra Q". He served as the director of such then "Ultraman", "Ultra Seven". And when his father died  he has spliced ​​the president of Tsuburaya Productions In 1970 by retired from TBS , but in financial difficulties at the time,  he destroys the body because he continued to efforts for reconstruction and he died at the age of 41  .

All Ultra Seven music , composer was Toru Fuyuki ,and Azuma kyouichi  become a lyricist  but Azuma kyouichi is one of the pseudonym Tsuburaya. Song of the insert song Ultra Garrison, is an impressive song which has been flowing as BGM of Ultra Garrison  mobilized.

2015年2月 8日 (日)

今日の音楽 2月8日 爆発ポルカ ; Music for today Feb.8 Explosions-Polka




Explosions-Polka of Johann Strauss Ⅱ was premiered on February 8, 1847.

This song was written  inspired by the application method as nitrocellulose of gunpowder was discovered by Christian Friedrich Schönbein in 1845. It is characterized by explosion at the end of music.

In recent concerts, it seems often explosion by electronic sound is used.

2015年2月 7日 (土)

今日の音楽 2月7日 ヴァイオリン協奏曲(バーバー) ; Music for today Feb.7 Violin concerto(Barber)



Barber Violin Concerto was premiered on February 7, 1941.

Barber has expressed a very deep lyricism, yet the composer of the 20th century. The Violin Concerto is also  has become a rich emotion work at first and second movement. The third movement is take the form of Perpetuum mobile of atonal, the previous movement has been put out a different atmosphere.

2015年2月 6日 (金)

今日の音楽 2月6日 セプテンバー・ソング ; Music for today Feb.6 September song




Actor Joseph Cotton died at the age of 88 in Los Angeles on February 6, 1994.

Cotton was the actor who was known as the regulars of Orson Welles work. It is impressive as the name supporting role of "Citizen Kane" and "The Third Man".

"September Affair" is a movie that Joseph Cotton was starring. In work that depicts the fateful love of pianist Marina (Joan Fontaine) and a technician David (cotton) who has his wife and chioldren, became friends in an airplane traveling from Rome to France , and this movie had decorate  with  "September  song ".

2015年2月 5日 (木)

今日の音楽 2月5日 交響曲第1番(シューベルト) ; Music for today Feb.5 Symphony No.1(Schubert)



Symphony No. 1 in D major, D82 of Schubert, was premiered in London on February 5, 1881.

In the current study, Schubert has attempted to make 14 times symphony, and the second piece is No. 1 symphony. Making it the work that was traced to perfect the style of classical at work at the time of the 16-year-old.

2015年2月 4日 (水)

今日の音楽 2月4日 遠い初恋 ; Music for today Feb. 4 Make Believe It's Your First Time




February 4, 1983 is the anniversary of Karen Carpenter.

This is the day I will pick up the song of Carpenters almost every year, but please understand that was a musician so representing my youth.

Karen Carpenter is the only title of the solo album of Karen was released in 1996 stood after the death in '13 of Karen.
When Brother Richard was illing, Karen tried to make  the first solo album. But Richard did not accept it. So, it has been too late. It title is Make believe it's your first time.

2015年2月 3日 (火)

今日の音楽 2月3日 心の扉をあけよう ; Music for today Feb. 3 Brand new key

アメリカのシンガー・ソングライター メラニーは1947年2月3日にニューヨークで生まれました。


American singer-songwriter Melanie was born in New York on February 3, 1947.

Although she is not much known in Japan,  around the time I started listening to pop overseas "Brand new key" was impressive, I  picked up.

2015年2月 2日 (月)

今日の音楽 2月2日 愛の悲しみ ; Music for today Feb.2 Liebesleid




Fritz Kreisler of composer and violinist was born in Vienna on February 2, 1875.

Kreisler is famous especially as composer of violin Pieces, but composed in order to play in all his concerts. From the highest degree of difficulty to  relatively easy familiar music, he has left a lot of works . In addition, although we have excellent ability to arranger, work titled "arranger" of Baroque previously, actually after we found that this is what Chrysler was composed. Now it has been called by Song Title that ○○ by ○○ style.

"Liebesleid" is a song of Ländler full of melancholy that is paired with "Liebesfreud".

2015年2月 1日 (日)

今日の音楽 2月1日 心の旅 ; Music for today Feb.1 Kokoro no tabi




Tatsuya Himeno of musician was born in Fukuoka City on February 1, 1952.

Himeno was subscribed to "Tulip" invited to Kazuo Zaitsu.  and a record debut in the  in 1972 . Single of the third song, which was released the following year, "Kokoro no tabi" was a hit. The dominating Leave in 1985 as a 13-year tulip vocal with sweet singing voice. Since then, he has been active in the various groups.

"Kokoro no tabi" is the work that has pushed the tulip to major groups. For two songs before did not hit, in the song they were fighting with backs to the wall, it was made based on the feelings of Zaitsu of when Tokyo from Fukuoka. One of the factors of success of this song is said that thing he  put in before the rust parts.

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