今日の音楽 1月17日 踊れ、喜べ、幸いなる魂よ ; Music for today Jan.17 Exsultate, jubilate
Motet of Mozart "Exsultate, jubilate" K.165 (158a) was premiered on January 17, 1773.
This is the work that Mozart has composed for the castrato singer Venanzio Rauzzini when mozart's Milan visit. Because coloratura techniqueneed , so now has been sung as repertoire of soprano singer.
It is constructed in 3 movements, in the beginning movement it has become a sonata form such as the Concerto for vocal music . It seems very bright like 17-year-old Mozart , and among them, the finale Alleluia is famous.
« 今日の音楽 1月16日 2台のピアノと打楽器のためのソナタ ; Music for today Jan.16 Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion | トップページ | 今日の音楽 1月18日 ライモンダ ; Music for today Jan.17 Raymonda »
« 今日の音楽 1月16日 2台のピアノと打楽器のためのソナタ ; Music for today Jan.16 Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion | トップページ | 今日の音楽 1月18日 ライモンダ ; Music for today Jan.17 Raymonda »