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« 2014年11月 | トップページ | 2015年1月 »

2014年12月31日 (水)

今日の音楽 12月31日 マッカーサー・パーク ; Music for today Dec.31 MacArthur Park

ディスコの女王 ドナ・サマーは1948年12月31日にボストン近郊で生まれました。



Disco queen Donna Summer was born in Boston suburbs to December 31, 1948.

Donna Summer debuted in the UK performances of musical "Hair" in 1968, and she was barrage hits from the mid-1970 through the 1980s.

"MacArthur Park" is a hit song of 1978, that is a song that Irish singer Richard Harris was hit in 1968. The name of the park, which lies between the downtown and Hollywood in Los Angeles.

2014年12月30日 (火)

今日の音楽 12月30日 交響曲第2番(ハチャトゥリアン) ; Music for today Dec.30 Symphony No.2(Khachaturian)




Symphony No. 2 of Khachaturian, has been premiered at the Moscow Conservatory Great Hall in the performance of the Soviet National Symphony Orchestra conducted by Khaykin on December 30, 1943.

Khachaturian, which have been known "Gayane" and "Masquerade", because the bass is a little like percussion treatment, it is not a very favorite composer as I bass player.

However, this song is a very heavy music, there is also a place that leads to such as Shostakovich. One of the factors, this song would be that anti-war music. And, with that war is the second World War.

2014年12月29日 (月)

今日の音楽 12月29日 ヴァイオリン・ソナタ第10番(ベートーヴェン) ; Music for today Dec.29 Violin Sonata No.10(Beethoven)




Violin Sonata No. 10 in G major op.96 Beethoven was premiered in December 29, 1812.

This song is a violin sonata  composed only in his later years. No. 9,has passed since "Kreutzer Sonata"  which is also referred to as the masterpiece of Beethoven violin sonatas  about '10 years , and is lost in the already Violin Sonata seems Beethoven we know.

Overall, it is using a gentle song idea without much relief, at the same time using variations in the finale  movement.

2014年12月28日 (日)

今日の音楽 12月28日 ケイン号の叛乱 ; Music for today Dec.28 The Caine Mutiny





Composer Max Steiner died on December 28, 1971.

Steiner family for his grandfather was a theater manager of Theater an der Wien, there was interaction with renowned musician. Parent named his real name Maximilian Raoul Walter Steiner was Richard Strauss.

In response to initiation of piano from Brahms, Max learned composers from Mahler in Konservatorium der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, seems to have been smart ass that would have completed the course of four years in one year. After he went to the United States at the time of the 26-year-old in 1914  he worked  in Broadway as arranger and conductor, and was invited to Hollywood in 1929, was  working as a composer of film music. Been noted in the "King Kong" in 1933, he was responsible for hundreds of film music around the musical.

He has won three times Academy Award, but the most famous "Gone with the Wind" is not won. The Caine Mutiny in 1954 movie, it has been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Music Score.

2014年12月27日 (土)

今日の音楽 12月27日 スターダスト ; Music for today Dec.27 Stardust





Composer and singer, Hoagy Carmichael  died in California in December 27, 1981.

Hoagy who  had learned piano since early age under the influence of his mother  pianist and had been active since  18-year-old  in jazz band, etc. , has been known as a musician all over the world  by compose of "Star Dust" which get a big hit  at the time of the 28-year-old .

After then  he was the world by storm in the heyday of swing jazz playing and composer such as "Georgia on my mind ",.

"Star Dust" is composed in 1927  and lyrics are marked by Mitchell Parish in 1929 has been standard  jazz music and has been covered by many artists still.

2014年12月26日 (金)

今日の音楽 12月26日 美しきパースの娘 ; Music for today Dec. 26 La jolie fille de Perth




Bizet opera "La jolie fille de Perth" was premiered in December 26, 1867.

Bizet, which has worked on quite a few of the opera, just a thing that has been completed, yet being staged Even now  is only the "Carmen". "La jolie fille de Perth" also, the accompaniment of the second act of the duet Guiraud is a song that was diverted to arrangement in "L'Arlésienne" the second suite is famous as "Minuet", but it is rarely to be songs played .

"Serenade" as sung in the second act and the fourth act is now known by featured as "Chiisana kino mi" in the NHK "Minna no Uta".

2014年12月25日 (木)

今日の音楽 12月25日 クリスマス・ソング ; Music for today Dec.25 The Christmas song




①作曲が不明なもの  「神の御子は今宵しも」「荒野のはてに」「おめでとうクリスマス」「ひいらぎ飾ろう」「牧人羊を」「もみの木」「もろびとこぞりて」
②作曲者がわかっているもの  「天には栄え(作曲メンデルスゾーン)」「清しこの夜(グルーバー作曲)」「さやかに星はきらめき(アダン作曲)」



2014年12月24日 (水)

今日の音楽 12月24日 幻想序曲「ハムレット」 ; Music for today Dec.24 Overture-Fantasia"Hamlet"





Overture- Fantasia "Hamlet" of Tchaikovsky  was premiered in St. Petersburg on December 24, 1888.

Tchaikovsky has composed three overture-Fantasia, and that all were to subject the Shakespeare plays. The most famous is "Romeo and Juliet", the following "The Tempest", and the last work was "Hamlet".

To say that the overture, two works of the beginning was concert-overtures, but "Hamlet" is composed the play music after ,and using a shortened version of this overture-fantasia.

"Hamlet" is not known as "Romeo and Juliet", but I think it's impressive song Tchaikovsky seems dramatic.

2014年12月23日 (火)

今日の音楽 12月23日 My Perfect Blue ; Music for today Dec.23 My Perfect Blue



今では、女流推理作家のトップを歩んでいます。代表作の「模倣犯」や「名もなき毒」などで数々の賞を受賞しています。人気シリーズの元警察犬マサのシリーズ「パーフェクト・ブルー」はTVドラマ化されましたが、その主題歌「My Perfect Blue」は柴咲コウが歌っていました。

Miyuki Miyabe writer was born in Tokyo, Koto-ku, to December 23, 1960.

Miyuki Miyabe is, through the novel classroom while working for a law firm, was awarded All Yomimono suirishousetsu newcomer award in 1987 and  debuted after that.

Now,she has come a top female mystery writer.She has won numerous awards in such as "Mohohan" and "Namonaki Doku" of representative work. Although the popular series of the original police dog masa series "Perfect Blue" has been TV drama, the theme song "My Perfect Blue" is Shibasaki Kou had singing.

2014年12月22日 (月)

今日の音楽 12月22日 ヴァイオリン・ソナタ第3番(ブラームス) ; Music for today Dec.22 Violin Sonata No.3(Brahms)



Violin Sonata No.3 in D minor op.108 of Brahms was premiered at his piano and violin by Hubay on December 22, 1888,

Brahms style is, the feelings of introspective a resignation this time on the border has changed to what you put out in the table. I can say that this song is also lyricism rich, but it is a work that has a heavy dark atmosphere

2014年12月21日 (日)

今日の音楽 12月21日 無伴奏ヴァイオリンパルティータ第2番 ; Music for today Dec.21 Partita for solo violin No.2

ヴァイオリニスト ナタン・ミルシティンは1992年12月21日に亡くなりました。



Violinist Nathan Milstein died on December 21, 1992.

Milstein is one of the violinists of the 20th century. Transcendence was the owner of finesse, but the performance was not respect the tone and poetic sentiment is not issued it to the front.So, he has been good at the work of the Romantics, also songs for unaccompanied violin of Bach is known as good repertoire .

Unaccompanied Violin Partita No. 2 of Bach, is the best known work is also in the song for unaccompanied violin in six songs. It is a song that consists of five songs, but the Chaconne of the  fifth songs in the magnificent work, it is also many songs that are played alone just this song.

2014年12月20日 (土)

今日の音楽 12月20日 ピアノ三重奏曲第3番(ブラームス) ; Piano Trio No.3(Brahms)




Piano Trio No.3 in C minor op.101 of Brahms, was premiered in Budapest on December 20, 1886, by piano Brahms, Jenő Hubay of violin, at the cello of David Popper.

Brahms, but was good and the composer of chamber music, it is said that none of the piano trio among them three songs masterpiece.

No. 3 is a passionate work Enjukumi is applied in the later years of the early works.

2014年12月19日 (金)

今日の音楽 12月19日 愛の讃歌 ; Music for today Dec.19 Hymne à l'amour



以前取り上げた「バラ色の人生」と並んで人気の高い曲が「愛の讃歌」です。この曲は、ピアフ自身が作詞した曲で、妻子ある恋人のプロ・ボクサー マルセル・セダンとの別れを決意して書いたと言われています。


Chanson singer Edith Piaf was born in Paris on December 19, 1915.

She, but I think that there is no objection is the most beloved singer the greatest in France, it's impossible to talk about her life here. Since there is her biopic and books, please visit if you are interested.

Along with previously discussed " La Vie en rose " is a popular high song "Hymne à l'amour". This song, with songs that Piaf itself was lyricist, has been said to have written by determination goodbye with  her lover ,professional boxer Marcel sedan who had wife and children.

Anyway, loved all over the world, it is the song that has been sung.

2014年12月18日 (木)

今日の音楽 12月18日 心の四季 ; Music for today Dec.18 Kokoro no shiki

作曲家 高田三郎は1913年12月18日に名古屋で生まれました。




Composer Saburo Takada  was born in Nagoya in December 18, 1913.

Takada, through the Musashino music school teacher family, he learned a composer at the Tokyo Music School.

He has to leave the work in various fields, but in especially choral music has sent out a lot of masterpieces worked as a guru.

"Kokoro no shiki" is a song that is loved, along with representative song "Mizu no inochi". In songs he sang likened a variety of scenery in the human heart of Japan's four seasons.  This is the chorus suite consisting of seven songs.


2014年12月17日 (水)

今日の音楽 12月17日 バレエの情景(グラズノフ) ; Music for today Dec.17 Scènes de Ballet(Glazunov)




Suite "Scènes de Ballet" of Glazunov was premiered on December 17, 1894.

Scènes de Ballet is a song that was written as a pure concert for suite.

It is consisted in 8 songs, Prelude, Marionette, mazurkaScherzino, Pas d'action, dance Oriental, waltz, and polonaise. Name recognition is a song not so high, but it is not heavy like an easy listening song.

2014年12月16日 (火)

今日の音楽 12月16日 チェロ協奏曲第1番(サン=サーンス) ; Music for today Dec.16 Cello concerto No.1(Saint=Seans)





French composer Saint-Saëns died at the age of 86 on December 16, 1921.

Saint-Saëns, it was musician prodigy type that is said to have the composer at 3 years old playing the piano at the age of two. In piano and organ top-notch, even non-composers, poetry other than music, astronomy, mathematics, painting in a wide range of fields, such as it had been said to be first-class.

His erudition is also exhibited in the music of the world, he was familiar with a variety of musical instruments and  has composed many piano, violin, cello, etc. excellent Concerto.

Saint-Saëns but has composed two songs a cello concerto in the 1872 work. , it is No. 1 being currently many performance. It was consisted from a single movement of the three-part In cello solo of boned at the beginning, it is the work that is drawn into the world of cello concerto.

2014年12月15日 (月)

今日の音楽 12月15日 ビコーズ ; Music for today Dec. 15 Because

イギリスのコーラス・バンド デイヴ・クラーク・ファイヴ(DC5)のリーダー デイヴ・クラークは1942年12月15日に生まれました。


Dave Clark Leader of the United Kingdom of chorus band The Dave Clark Five (DC5) was born on December 15, 1942.

DC5 was active as a band of the primary British Invasion. who is attracting attention as a rival of Beatles, "BECAUSE" was a big hit. "BECAUSE" is also featured by Beatles.

2014年12月14日 (日)

今日の音楽 12月14日 シンフォニアWq.182第1番 ; Music for today Dec,14 Symphony Wq.182 No.1






Composer Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach died in Hamburg in December 14, 1788.

CPE Bach is Johann Sebastian Bach's second son, but his  musical style  are strongly affected  from Telemann than his father.

In particular, he had a high reputation than his father in 18 century  as the composer who laid the foundation of the symphony which was completed Haydn, Mozart and  Beethoven  followed. In the 19th century, when the father JS Bach is re-evaluated by such Mendelssohn and Schumann, his work to reverse it has become to be ignored is the secular.

Now, music history are also reviewed as an important composer as a composer who laid the foundation of the symphony as described above.

Symphonia of Wq.182 is  String symphonies with the atmosphere was lively.

2014年12月13日 (土)

今日の音楽 12月13日 鉄道員(ぽっぽや) ; Music for today Dec.13 Poppoya




Novelist Jiro Asada was born in Tokyo, Nakano-ku, in December 13, 1951.

Enters the Self-Defense Forces, and after discharge he continued to write while per various professions . Work  and debuted in 1991. He won the Naoki Prize in 1997 by "Poppoya".

A work depicting a number of miracle to visit the stationmaster of local lines of Hokkaido which was close the waste line, it was made into a movie in 1999 with Ken Takakura  starring who died the other day. Theme song, Ryuichi Sakamoto has composed and Miu Sakamoto his daughter has sung.

2014年12月12日 (金)

今日の音楽 12月12日 ヴァケイション ; Music for today Dec.12 Vacation


11歳の頃からショーに出演し1955年にデビューしましたがしばらくは鳴かず飛ばず。1958年に"Who's Sorry Now"が大ヒットしてから順調にヒットを飛ばしました。


Singer Connie Francis was born in New arc on December 12, 1938.

She appeared on the show since 11 years old and debuted in 1955, but not fly is not languished for a while. In 1958 "Who's Sorry Now" is  flew steadily hit from a big hit.

Vacation  is hit song that became the 9-position of the billboard released in 1962. Also a lot of singer covers in Japan, among them Mieko Hirota has sales of 20 million copies.

2014年12月11日 (木)

今日の音楽 12月11日 オーブレイ ; Music for today Dec.11 Aubrey

アメリカのミュージシャン デヴィッド・ゲイツは1940年12月11日にオクラホマ州で生まれました。


1968年にソフト・ロック・バンド ブレッドを結成し、「灰色の朝」「イフ」「二人の架け橋」「愛の別れ道」「ギターマン」など数々のヒットを送り出しました。1973年に解散後は、デヴィッド・ゲイツはソロとして活動しています。


American musician David Gates was born in Oklahoma in December 11, 1940.

He had a solo debut in 1959 and  was the main activities as a lyricist-composer for a while.

And formed a soft rock band Bread in 1968, and they had several numbers of hit such as "Dismal day," "IF", "Make It with You," "Baby I'm-A want you", "Guitar Man". After the dissolution in 1973, David Gates has been active as a solo.

"Aubrey" is a hit song of 1972, is a song that became the United States 15th. "Aubrey" is her name that was heartbreak.

2014年12月10日 (水)

今日の音楽 12月10日 運命の女神の歌 ; Music for today Dec.10 Gesang der Parzen




”Gesang der Parzen ” of Brahms op.89, has been premiered in Basel on December 10, 1882.

Brahms is undergoing evaluation of top-notch as composer of symphonies and chamber music, but left behind many masterpieces also songs and choral works. In particular, with regard to the songs for chorus and orchestra of the non-religious songs, Brahms is to say that guru is good.

"Gesang der Parzen" is also a song for mixed chorus with orchestra accompaniment. It is a fine work that is said to be the song that was made to celebrate the victory of the Franco-Prussian war of Prussia.

2014年12月 9日 (火)

今日の音楽 12月9日 レリオ、あるいは生への回帰 ;  Music for today Dec.9 Lélio, ou Le retour à la vie





"Lélio, ou Le retour à la vie ," op.14bis of Berlioz  has been premiered in Paris on December 9, 1832.

This song was composed as a sequel of Symphonie Fantastique. This is a song that was composed through the experience of heartbreak against the actress Harriet Smithson and engagement default by pianist Marie Mork.

Over the whole volume, it is taking a style that monologue of musician Lerio, I feel that one person play rather than music. In addition to the narrator, two solo tenor, one baritone, mixed chorus,  piano and orchestra and  except for the last 6th song , there is on the Stage narrator only, the other members play behind the curtain on the stage. Except 6th songs is to the world of fantasy of Lerio.

Berlioz, which was published as play continued to Symphonie Fantastique and this song , as compared to the Symphonie Fantastique ,it  has become a work that is not played almost.

2014年12月 8日 (月)

今日の音楽 12月8日 弦楽四重奏曲第15番(シューベルト) ; Music for today Dec. 8 Strings Quartet No.15(Schubert)



String Quartet No. 15 in G major D887, op.161 of Schubert  was premiered in Vienna in December 8, 1850 after he has died.

This song is composed in June 1826 as the Schubert last string quartet and was premiered only the first movement in 1828. To say that string quartet was composed by  symphony techniques such as frequent use of tremolo and frequent use of modulation . In playing time length of 45 minutes, and if Schubert had lived longer,I suppose that he would have been to composer of top class in this field.

2014年12月 7日 (日)

今日の音楽 12月7日 セレナータ(マスカーニ) ; Music for today Dec.7 Serenata(Mascagni)




Italy composer Mascagni was born in Livorno on December 7, 1863.

There are some musician debut has become the biggest hit, in classical music, Mascagni would be typical composer. Mascagni composed the opera of 15  and many songs and piano pieces, but when compared to the popularity became a formal debut work "Cavalleria Rusticana", other work is overshadowed.

One of the best known work in the song is the "Serenata". It is very beautiful melody.

2014年12月 6日 (土)

今日の音楽 12月6日 ファウストの劫罰 ; Music for today Dec. 6 La damnation de Faust





Dramatic story of Berlioz "La damnation de Faust" was premiered at the Paris Opera Comique in December 6, 1846.

"Faust of Damnation" is a large organization of song vocal and chorus applied to the orchestra, the original is of course of Goethe "Faust". The most famous songs in this song is "Rákóczi March", in fact, Rákóczi March had been composed independently. Berlioz himself like the " Rákóczi March", in order to want to use this song, it has changed in Hungary the stage of the story from the original German.

Others, the "Ballet des sylphes," "Menuet des follets " is famous. "Menuet des follets ," I feel the songs, such as cooking and together Rákóczi March "march to a Beheading" of Symphonie Fantastique.

It is "Menuet des follets."

2014年12月 5日 (金)

今日の音楽 12月5日 合奏協奏曲ニ短調op.5-12(ジェミニアーニ)




A composer and a violinist Francesca Geminiani of Italy late Baroque was born in December 5, 1687.

Geminiani learned music from Scarlatti and Corelli, also a big success as virtuoso of violin, has composed many music with a focus on stringed instruments.

Concerto Grosso op.5 is not the original of Geminiani, is one that was arranged by the ensemble Concerto for Violin Sonata op.5 of Corelli. The 12th  song is  the famous "La Folia".

2014年12月 4日 (木)

今日の音楽 12月4日 スザンナの秘密 ; Music for today Dec.4 Il segreto di Susanna




"Il segreto di Susanna " of Wolf = Ferrari  was premiered on December 4, 1909.

"Il segreto di Susanna " is Opera which is one-act that only three appeared. for two singer Jill Earl and his new wife Susanna  and Sante of silence officers

The  secret, actually, smoke in  absence of Earl, and  of big fus  and flirt with the misunderstanding was Earl last line, Hail and melts misunderstanding, it is also not content silly piece.

2014年12月 3日 (水)

今日の音楽 12月3日 なごり雪 ; Music for today Dec.3 Nagoriyuki





Iruka singer-songwriter was born in December 3, 1950.

Origin of the stage name, when she was enrolled in folk song club of Joshibi, is the appearance that everyone is walking with a black guitar case so thing she said, "It looks like a flock of dolphins(=Iruka)."

Iruka debut as a member of folk song groupe in 1970, and was solo debut in 1974. From 1975 through 1976, "Nagoriyuki" is a big hit, became his warm personality also coupled with popular folk singer.

"Nagoriyuki" is a song of Shozo Ise songwriting of Kaguyahime, in the heartbreak song that sang farewell at the station with childhood friend, and covered in the artist more than 30 people as a typical song of folk song .

2014年12月 2日 (火)

今日の音楽 12月2日 ピアノ協奏曲第1番(ラフマニノフ) ; Music for today Dec.2 Piano Concerto No.1(Rachmaninov)





Piano Concerto No. 1 F sharp minor op.1 of Rachmaninov was premiered in December 2, 1900,at the performance of piano solo of Rachmaninoff himself and Jiroti commanded Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra.

It has been composed for the graduation exam in Moscow Conservatory student from 1980 through 1981.
Only the first movement is played in the concert of students ,  the premiere of all songs had taken after 8 years.

However, that was premiered in 1900 in the current will not be playing almost.  Rachmaninoff in 1918 after it was composed the No. 3 Piano Concerto, greatly added to the hand in this song, is now often this revised version is played . Revision, while leaving the basic thing about the first edition, he also rewrite significantly tweaked to organize.

Rather than full of work to No. 2 and No. 3 as No. romanticism, but not Rachmaninoff termination also used, after the fanfare, suddenly piano solo and intense and impressive beginning that begin to cadenza style, Rachmaninoff likeness is appeared I think.

2014年12月 1日 (月)

今日の音楽 12月1日 ミー・アンド・ミセス・ジョーンズ ; Music for today Dec.1 Me and Mrs. Jones




American Seoul singer, Billy Paul was born in Philadelphia on December 1, 1934.

Billy has presented his distinctive style  which has fused jazz, R & B and pop , and in 1972 , "Me and Mrs. Jones"  had been a big hit ,took # 1 of 3 consecutive weeks Billboard and  200 million copies.

Song of contents affair. "I guilty, chest in parting is aching griping" the feelings that the affair is what you sang straight.

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