今日の音楽 12月1日 ミー・アンド・ミセス・ジョーンズ ; Music for today Dec.1 Me and Mrs. Jones
American Seoul singer, Billy Paul was born in Philadelphia on December 1, 1934.
Billy has presented his distinctive style which has fused jazz, R & B and pop , and in 1972 , "Me and Mrs. Jones" had been a big hit ,took # 1 of 3 consecutive weeks Billboard and 200 million copies.
Song of contents affair. "I guilty, chest in parting is aching griping" the feelings that the affair is what you sang straight.
« 今日の音楽 11月30日 鳥は星形の庭へ降りる ; Music for today Nov.30 A Flock Descends into the Pentagonal Garden | トップページ | 今日の音楽 12月2日 ピアノ協奏曲第1番(ラフマニノフ) ; Music for today Dec.2 Piano Concerto No.1(Rachmaninov) »
« 今日の音楽 11月30日 鳥は星形の庭へ降りる ; Music for today Nov.30 A Flock Descends into the Pentagonal Garden | トップページ | 今日の音楽 12月2日 ピアノ協奏曲第1番(ラフマニノフ) ; Music for today Dec.2 Piano Concerto No.1(Rachmaninov) »