今日の音楽 10月31日 スタンド・バイ・ミー ; Music for today Oct 31 Stand by me
「スタンド・バイ・ミー」はスティーヴン・キングの小説「恐怖の四季」の中に収められていた秋の短編「THE BODY」を原作とした映画です。片田舎に住む心に傷を持つ4人の少年が、線路伝いに死体探しの旅に出たひと夏の想い出を描いた作品でした。主題歌は、ベン E.キングの「スタンド・バイ・ミー」。1961年のヒット曲で、この映画のおかげでリバイバル・ヒットしています。
Actor River Phoenix in the United States died of heart failure due to overdose of cocaine and heroin on October 31, 1993.
Parents activist of "Children of God" cult, and his home was poor, so he had earned a living on the street performance with his sister. he appeared on television in the 10-year-old movie and appeared the following year was the "Stand By Me".
He went laden career as a star "Running On Empty" that appeared in 1988 and then in was nominated for an Academy Best Supporting Actor Award, and won the Best Actor Award of the Venice International Film Festival in 1991 in "My Own Private Idaho" It was verry sorry about his death.
"Stand By Me" is a movie that was from the original short story of the fall, which has been housed in a "Four Seasons of horror" novels of Stephen King the "THE BODY". It was the work of four boys with a wound to the heart living in the remote countryside, has painted memories of the summer that went on a journey of looking corpse around the railroad. Ben E. King theme song, "Stand By Me". Hit song of 1961, I t has been hit revival thanks to this movie.