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2014年9月30日 (火)

今日の音楽 9月30日 気楽にやれよ(オリバー!) ; Music for today Sep 30 Conseder yourself(Oliver!)





Actor Jack Wild of the United Kingdom was born on September 30, 1952.

Jack Wilde, worked as a child actor, was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor at the age of 16 in "Oliver!", and .became popular even "Melody". He was transferred to television the playing field afterwards, because he was a baby-faced and 164㎝ tall, work ended up reduced image of a child is not missing.

He had lost a voice for the vocal cord resection of cancer in 2001, but had appeared on stage in pantomime, but died of oral cancer in 2006.

"Oliver!" was the musical original of the Dickens "Oliver Twist", Is a movie that won the Academy Award 6 departments such as Award. Easy and familiar song "Yareyo comfortably" and "down-Pappa" many, "Yareyo at ease" it is also known as Oliver march, among others.

2014年9月29日 (月)

今日の音楽 9月29日 火の玉ロック ; Music for today Sep 29 Great balls of fire

アメリカのロックン・ロール及びカントリー・ミュージックのミュージシャン ジェリー・リー・ルイスは1935年9月29日にルイジアナ州で生まれました。


Musician Jerry Lee Lewis of Country Music and Rock and Roll of the United States was born in Louisiana on September 29, 1935.

He has given rise to a number of hits such as "Great balls of fire" is active in the rock and roll initial. He is also doing a concert in 2009 still alive and well.

2014年9月28日 (日)




第1曲 パストラーレ 劇音楽の第7曲から編曲 コントラバスと金管による前奏の後、多楽器のユニゾンで雄大なパストラーレの主題が演奏されます。中間部はプロヴァンス太鼓のリズムに乗った舞曲調の音楽。再び冒頭の音楽に戻って最後はチェロの和音と弦のピツィカートで静かに終わります。

第2曲 間奏曲 劇音楽の第15曲。全楽器のユニゾンで荘重なメロディが演奏され、主部はアルト・サキソフォンの「神の子羊」という歌を基にしたメロディ。再びユニゾンに戻って重々しく終わります。

第3曲 メヌエット 有名な曲ですが、アルルの女の曲ではなく、ビゼーの歌劇「美しきパースの娘」の中から持って来た曲。ハープとフルートによるメロディが少し形を変えながら繰り返されます。弦楽器と木管楽器の力強い中間部の後、再びハープとフルートのメロディに戻り、サキソフォンのオブリガードなどを加えながら終わります。

第4曲 ファランドール 第1組曲の前奏曲の前半でも使われている「三人の王の行進」から始まり、プロヴァンスの舞曲ファランドールが演奏されます。再び「三人の王の行進」が出てきて、その後はファランドールと絡みながらテンポを上げながら怒涛のように終わります。この曲は、既存の素材を使ったギローのオリジナル音楽です。



今日の音楽 9月28日 波止場 ; Music for today Sep 28 On the waterfront



順風満帆だったエリア・カザンの経歴に暗い影を落としたのが、1950年代に行われた赤狩り でした。短期間共産党に加入していたエリア・カザンも疑われ、司法取引として共産主義者の疑いのある友人を告発したため後々まで批判の対象となってしまいました。


Elia Kazan film director died September 28, 2003.

He was Born in Istanbul, Turkey in 1909, and emigrated to the United States at the age of four. His debut as an actor was 1935 after he studied theater at Yale University aims to showman. Drama that was directed in 1942 "close call" has won the Pulitzer Prize, the directorial debut movie "Brooklyn Alley" in 1944. He has built a strong position in Hollywood who directed the 1947 "Gentlemen's agreement" has won the Academy Award, and Best Director.

It was the Red Scare in the 1950s. that was overshadowed in the history of the area Kazan who was smooth sailing   It has become the subject of criticism until later because the area Kazan who had joined the Communist Party in a short period of time is also suspected, accused the friend suspected of communist as a plea bargain.

He directed  "Splendor In The Grass" and "East of Eden" thereafter. A work of 1954, "On the Waterfront" is a work that draw a longshoreman to confront the boss of the Mafia, was awarded the Academy Award of 8 department  Award, such as the Best Director. Leonard Bernstein was in charge of music , it is played as a suite of music.

2014年9月27日 (土)

今日の音楽 9月27日 ヴァイオリン協奏曲第8番(シュポア) ; Music for today Sep.27 Violin concerto No.8(Spohr)




Violin Concerto No. 8 A minor op.47 of Spohr was premiered on September 27, 1816.

Started working as a violinist, Spohr was  also known as composer then. The number of work more than 150 songs, he had left behind works of various genres. Violin music is particularly large, 15 Concerto has composed .

Among them, No. 8 is a rare song that was written in a format that is similar to the opera arias there is a subtitle of "in the form of Dramatic aria".

2014年9月26日 (金)

今日の音楽 9月26日 ヴァイオリン協奏曲第4番(パガニーニ) ; Music for today Sep 26 Violin concerto No.4(Paganini)

ヴァイオリニスト サルヴァトーレ・アッカルドは1941年9月26日にイタリアのトリノで生まれました。




Violinist Salvatore Accardo was born in Torino, Italy on September 26, 1941.

Accardo is a genius violinist that shows the outstanding musicianship from childhood. In crystal-clear sound with brilliant technique and phenomenal, he has gained a high reputation in the works of Paganini in particular.

Violin Concerto No. 4 of Paganino, had never played more than 100 years after death because the score was lost for a while It has become a popular work, behind No. 1, the No. 2 in the currently replayed in 1954.

At work in three movements the classic form, it is a song you know it's a work of Paganini If you listen a little.

2014年9月25日 (木)

今日の音楽 9月25日 交響曲第2番(ショスタコーヴィチ) ; Music for today Sep.25 Symphony No.2 (Shostakovich)




Composer Dmitry Shostakovich of the USSR was born in St. Petersburg on September 25, 1906.

Shostakovich was the greatest composer of the 20th century, but the rating is different at the mercy of politics and nation.
Symphony No. 2 to pick up this time is one of them.
It has been a composer commissioned for the 10th anniversary of October Revolution in 1927. Momentum of trying to build a new society by revolution is high, avant-garde artistic activity was thriving at that time. Therefore, he took a single movement configuration and destroyed ordinary movement  configyration, and in a manner avant-garde for its time, such as ultra counterpoint atonalityin  27 voices, this song which premiered in November 5, 1927 was well received.

However, socialist realism becomes to be promoted to become Stalin regime, avant-garde music would be oppressed. In addition, it is also shy away from the west side from that of the chorus lyrics praising Lenin enters, playing frequency has become the song extremely low even now.

2014年9月24日 (水)

今日の音楽 9月24日 愛は勝つ ; Music for today Sep.24 Ai wa katsu

シンガー・ソングライターのKan は1962年9月24日に福岡で生まれました。



Kan of singer and song writer was born in Fukuoka on September 24, 1962.

He had studied piano up to two years junior high school from 6 years old, KAN has continued to music activities, such as band and also studied guitar by himself. He got the solo debut in 1987 after graduating from university and It became a big hit to sell 200 million copies, "Ai Wa Katsu(means Love must win)" which was adopted in Ending Theme TV program "Yamadakatsutenai TV" in 1991.

It is a powerful Love Song singing "Ai wa katsu" and he has been singing "Love is always the last win," . There's a Wikipedia of Chinese English, French, Indonesian, and Russian about Kan ・・・I cannot understand.

2014年9月23日 (火)








今日の音楽 9月23日 ネルソン・ミサ ; Music for today Sep.23 Missa No.9 



元々はMissa in Angustiis(困苦の時のミサ)というタイトルでした。12曲中唯一の短調の曲と言う事もあり、喜びとは程遠い内容になっています。

Nelson Mass Haydn (Missa No. 9) was premiered on September 23, 1798.

Haydn who had left behind a vast number of works has composed 167 songs religious music. Missa that has a number have also been composed 12 songs. Entitled Nelson Mass is what it was attached to after from the episode that was when he composed it a big pleasure to be in contact with the news that shattered the ambitions of Napoleon British fleet led by Admiral Nelson won  France and Spain combined fleet at Trafalgar.

Originally was titled Missa in Angustiis (Mass at the time of hardship) . It was the only minor pices among the 12 songs and  it has become the contents far from joy.

2014年9月22日 (月)

今日の音楽 9月22日 弦楽四重奏曲(ウェーベルン) ; Music for today Sep.22 Strings Quartet(Webern)



String Quartet op.28 of Webern was premiered on September 22, 1938.

Webern has  composed several piece for string quartet, but that works numbered only one piece. In this piece, what a waste is scraped off extremely, counterpoint has been used. Major tone row is BACH. To say that BACH, it is likened to the German note names the name of Bach "B♭, A, C and B"  that  is not necessarily using the works of Bach. This kind of approach is not new  and many composers ha used, but the music itself has been known as a masterpiece of Webern in his later years.

2014年9月21日 (日)











今日の音楽 9月21日 刑事コロンボ




Taro Ishida actor, voice actor died of myocardial infarction on 21 September 2013.

It is Taro Ishida villain was often as an actor, but had played a dubbed hero of justice as a voice actor in Colombo took over after the Asao Koike died. In addition, he had also worked as a dubbing of Gene Hackman.

The song is known as the theme song of "Columbo", actually the theme song of the "NBC Mystery movie, which was established as a theme of "Columbo". Composer is Henry Mancini.

2014年9月20日 (土)

今日の音楽 9月20日 タイム・イン・ア・ボトル ; Music for today Sep 20 Time in a bottle





Singer Jim Croce of the United States died in a plane crash on September 20, 1973.

Jim Croce did not get hit  for a long time and came singing while the open-loop and work or doing a teacher or doing road construction . He played the top ten in the United States chart is "You don't mess around with Jim" when the 28-year-old in July 1972, he won the national number one "Bad, bad, Leroy Brown" is in July of the following year. The accident occurred in the middle of the theme song of the movie "The Last American Hero," "I Gotta Name" has risen to the charts.

A ballad that starts in "If I could save  time in the bottle ・・・", and shine to the National Number 1, was released posthumously, "Time In A Bottle" was also  hit in Japan. Jim, who died at 30 years old is not got trapped with time in the bottle correctly.

In fact, the artist that I have all the original album only Jim Crouch. "You don't mess around with Jim",  "Life and Times" and  "I Got a Name". AJ Crouch who is his son lost his father at the age of two, and blindness in the brain tumor at the age of four, has been active as a singer-songwriter overcoming the difficulty .

2014年9月19日 (金)

今日の音楽 9月19日 あずさ2号 ; Music for today Sep. 19 Azusa #2

兄弟デュオ 狩人の加藤久仁彦は1956年9月19日に愛知県岡崎市で生まれました。




Kunihiko Kato brother duo "Kariudo" was born in Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture on September 19, 1956.

Kariudo was formed with Takamichi Kato his younger brother, debuted in "Azusa No. 2" in 1977. "Azusa No. 2" get big hit  and also  "Cosmos Kaido" afterwards, but it was disbanded in 2007, it has been re-formed in 2012.

Kunihiko Kato has been active as an actor and composer meantime.

2014年9月18日 (木)

今日の音楽 9月18日 ジャマイカ・ルンバ ; Music for today Sep.18 Jamaican Rumba





Composer Arthur Benjamin of England was born in Sydne Australia on September 18, 1893.

He  gave a scholarship in 191 ando wento to Englando, and was active in the United Kingdom life.

There is a thing that can be seen composer your t of light music for was composed in 1938, "Jamaican Rumba" became famous too, but he composed the instrumental music and opera of many actually.

Jamaican rumba. gave him awarded one Casked rum because hie made Jamaica veru famous.

2014年9月17日 (水)



日時 10月18日(土) 午後2時開演
場所 大田区民センター大ホール アプリコ
指揮 黒岩英臣

ビゼー 劇音楽「アルルの女」第1組曲・第2組曲
ラヴェル クープランの墓
ストラヴィンスキー バレエ音楽「火の鳥」(1919年組曲版)




今日の音楽 9月17日 弦楽五重奏曲(シューベルト) ; Music for today Sep 17 Strings Quintet(Schubert)



Strings Quintet in C major, D.956 of Schubert was premiered on September 17, 1850 through the more than 20 years after his death.

It is a masterpiece of Schubert in his latest years, this piece was completed in the summer of 1928 two months before his death. It has become the organization of its own Violin 2 viola1,cello 2 different organization of normal String Quintet which is  violoin2 viola 2  and 1 cello. Bass has been very fulfilling for that, it has become a song that was massive with the length of more than 50 minutes.

2014年9月16日 (火)

今日の音楽 9月16日 巣立ちの歌 ; Music for today Sep 16 "Sudachi no uta"



Composer Saburo Iwakawa died on September 16, 2013.

Saburo Iwakawa is a composer who graduated from the vocal department of the Tokyo Music School. To that end, what was the main work is choral music. "Sudachi no Uta(means A song for leaving the nest) composed in lyrics Murano Shiro in 1965  is sung in a graduation ceremony at the classic songs of the graduation ceremony, until replaced by the "Tabidachi no hi(means The day of departure) " which was composed by the faculty of Saitama in 1991 It was a top-class popular songs as songs.

2014年9月15日 (月)

今日の音楽 9月15日 7月4日に生まれて ; Music for today Sep 15 Born on the Fourth of July






Film director Oliver Stone was born in New York on September 15, 1946.

Oliver Stone learned filmmaking from Martin Scorsese at New York University to discharge served after the Vietnam War. He  had been stagnant for a while, but in charge of the screenplay of "Midnight Express" in 1978, and was awarded the Academy Award dramatization.

After he won an Academy Best Director and oversees utilizing the experience of the Vietnam War the "Platoon", and oversees the many hit cinemas such as "Wall Street" and "JFK" thereafter. Oliver Stone wrote the screenplay himself in most of the supervision work.

It is a work that takes advantage of the experience of "Platoon" similar to the Vietnam War and also "Born on the Fourth of July." However, whereas Platoon are on the stage of the battlefield, except that it is focused on the post-war and is "Born on the Fourth of July" is different.

John Williams was in charge of the music.

2014年9月14日 (日)

今日の音楽 9月14日 時間よとまれ ; Music for today Sep 14 Jikan yo tomare

ロック・ミュージシャン 矢沢永吉は1949年9月14日に広島で生まれました。

高校卒業後横浜で働きながらバンド活動を開始し、1972年にチラシでメンバーを募集しロックバンド キャロルを結成しました。キャロルは当時ロックは商業的に成功しないという状況を打破して成功し1975年に解散。それ以降は矢沢はソロ歌手として活躍を続けています。


Rock musician Eikichi Yazawa was born in Hiroshima on September 14, 1949.

Start a band activity while working in Yokohama after graduating from high school, and he formed a rock band Carroll with recruiting members in the flyer in 1972. Carol disbanded in 1975 and succeeded to overcome the situation at the time the lock will not commercially successful. Yazawa has continued working as a solo singer since then.

A big hit in 1978 was "Jikan yo tomare ". It is a song in the ballad that has been adopted as the CM song for Shiseido, became also contributed to push up Yazawa  to the hero .

2014年9月13日 (土)

今日の音楽 9月13日 ハンガリー狂詩曲第2番 ; Music for today Sep 13 Hungarian Rhapsody No.2






Conductor Leopold Stokowski in the United States died at the age of 95 on September 13, 1977.

Stokowski British born debuted as a conductor in Paris in 1909. He served until 1940 was appointed resident conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra in 1912.

His music, likes and dislikes have parted sometimes you have to play that is different from the original, such as interpretation often ingenious. Anyway, there is no doubt that it is a performance that should not be in the textbooks of our amateur player.

I remember  two movies by Stokowski, referred to as a "One Hundred Men and a Girl" and "Fantasia". "No. 2 Hungarian Rhapsody" in the list of music scene Stokowski  was asked the leadership from the orchestra a collection of musicians unemployed , and then rejected once, but when they played in front of him,his body would start moving naturally/

This song is one that was composed for piano originally, but has been playing is orchestrated songs to a number of musicians, including the Liszt himself.

2014年9月12日 (金)

今日の音楽 9月12日 君住む街角 ; Music for today Sep.12 On the street where you live




Actor Jeremy Brett in the UK died September 12, 1995.

Speaking of Jeremy Brett, It is "Sherlock Holmes". 41 works corresponding to 80% of the original has been made, but did not completed cause the heart diseases due to rheumatic fever of his childhood.

Musical movie "My Fair Lady", Jeremy has appeared in Freddie role to the unrequited love to Eliza in his younger days. Songs that he sing after he visited Eliza lives in the Higgins House , Freddie, was turned away to servants is the "On the street where you live." Unfortunately, this song seems to have been dubbed.

2014年9月11日 (木)

今日の音楽 9月11日 王宮のコンセール ; Music for today Sep.11 Concerts Royaux




Composer Francois Couperin to be representative of the Baroque French died in Paris on September 11, 1733.

Francois, are also referred to as "Couperin le Grand " in the most famous composer Among Couperin who has produced many musicians. Songs for clavecin  (harpsichord) will occupy an important position in his work, but also composed many songs for Orchestra.

"Concerts Royaux " is the ensemble that has been composed for the concert French king Louis 14th had hosted every Sunday. It is up to No. 4 in the suite with a focus on dance is "Concerts Royaux ". Number of songs 25 songs in all. Both are gentle songs rather than glamorous.

2014年9月10日 (水)

今日の音楽 9月10日 ヴァイオリン協奏曲第3番(モーツァルト) ; Music for today Sep 10 Violin concerto No.3(Mozart)



第3番は初めて成功したヴァイオリン協奏曲で特に第2楽章のアダージョは情緒豊かで、19~20世紀にかけて活躍したヴァイオリニスト アウアーは「驚嘆すべきアダージョ」と絶賛したそうです。

Violin Concerto No. 3 in G major, K.216 of Mozart was premiered on September 10, 1775.

There are 7 Violin Concerto of Mozart, but the No. 7 and No. 6 have been said a forgery, so, five pices have been the work of Mozart actually. They have been composed in Salzburg in 1775 all. The five songs that were written during just one year, I have also improved on the content but also to technical significantly to one piece each. I think he was very young 19 years old at the time, it would be reason which is genius.

This violin concerto  was successful for the first time and  rich emotional Adagio of the second movement in particular  Auer, violinist of the 19~20th century seems to have praised the "Adagio amazing".

2014年9月 9日 (火)

今日の音楽 9月9日 ゼア・マスト・ビー・アン・エンジェル ; Music for today Sep.9 There must be an angel

イギリスの2人組のミュージシャン ユーリズミックスのギタリスト デイヴ・スチュアートは1952年9月9日に生まれました。



Guitarist Dave Stewart of Eurythmics musician of the duo of England was born on September 9, 1952.

In a fight farewell, band formed with such as Annie Lennox he met in 1976 through a variety of itinerant started guitar in the wake of the fracture of the knee at the time of the 12-year-old, large as Eurythmics of two and Lennox soon they were  successful. He have sent a musical life restless and away he can stick thereafter.

"There must be an angel" is their hot  song that Stevie Wonder is participating in a representative harmonica .

2014年9月 8日 (月)

今日の音楽 9月8日 隠棲(ヴォルフ) ; Music for today Sep.8 Verborgenheit





Poet Eduard Morike of German Romanticism was born in Ludwigsburg on September 8, 1804.

Morike became the pastor of the Lutheran Church after he learned theology at the university, but he resigned for health reasons. He lived in the land to the death become a professor of literature at Stuttgart in 1851.

His content was almost epi c poem which is humorous and use the simple words. Schumann, Brahms, Berg and Bruch  has put the song, but Wolf is that made the song the most. The number is 53 songs. Many of representative music of Wolf "Gesang Weylas","Verborgenheit" and "Verborgenheit" is due poems Morike.

It is the 12th song which is a beautiful song that starts from the call  "Leave myself" to the people of the world.

2014年9月 7日 (日)

今日の音楽 9月7日 バラキ ; Music for today Sep.7 The Valachi Papers





Film director Terence Young died at the age of 79 in Cannes on September 7, 1994.

Born in Shanghai, Terence Young began his career as a writer after graduating from the University of Cambridge. Through the assistant director then became the first director of the first film 007 series "Dr. No" in 1962.  He directed 3 007 series "From Russia with love " and "Thunderball",and after that he has been active mainly suspense works such as "Wait until dark" and "Cold sweat". 

"The Valachi Papers" is one that was a movie a "The Valachi Papers" written by Peter Maas on the basis of the testimony of Josef  Valachi was a mafia of real , and the reason of its content  movie company initially did not try to cinematization , but It was completed in 1972 go-ahead comes out because Genovese and Valachi that appear with the real name was dead in the prison.

Riz Ortolani is in charge of music.  Riz Ortolani is good at putting the music of the melody very beautiful movie of the serious contents such as "Mondo Cane" and "Mondo candido",, offers a beautiful song a very even "The Valachi Papers".

2014年9月 6日 (土)

今日の音楽 9月6日 女心 ; Music for today Sep. 6 Frauenherz



Polka Mazurka Josef Strauss "Frauenherz" was premiered on September 6, 1864.

It is said about polka that a dance of two beats originating from the Czech , but the polka-mazurka is what was added element of polka in 3 beat ethnic  Dances of Poland. Distinguished from the waltz is not attached in the feeling that you have heard a little. Johann Strauss Ⅱ has also composed a few songs, but there are no less famous songs. It would be the song that best known of Joseph is "Die Libelle ".

"Frauenherz" is not sure about was composed and in what circumstances, but it is a very lovely and elegant piece.

2014年9月 5日 (金)

今日の音楽 9月5日 チェロソナタ第1番(ブラームス) ; Music for today Sep.5 Cello Sonata No.1(Brahms)



Cello Sonata No.1 in E minor op.38 of Brahms was premiered on September 5, 1883.

Brahms has composed the 2 Cello Sonatas. There is also the German Requiem has been composed in the same period, No. 1 has took three years to complete. It was planned in four movements format Originally, slow movement has been completed will be deleted, and it has been a three-movement format.

Final movement has become a fugue a free-form, theme has been taken from The Art of Fugue by J.S.Bach.

2014年9月 4日 (木)

今日の音楽 9月4日 2つのノルウェーの旋律 ; Music for today Sep.4 2 Nordic songs




Composer Grieg of Norway died in Bergen on September 4, 1907.

Grieg has composed many works, but excellent work has been many piano in particular ,so called "Chopin Scandinavian" Grieg has left four string ensemble pieces lifelong , but it is arrangement from piano and song all. 1 song is "Holberg Suite", but three songs remaining song called two ・・・" all. It is the "Two Elegiac Melodies for Strings"  which was famous by "The last Spring " , "2 melodies for strings" which is including a song called "Norwegian melody" and "2 Nordic songs" . This song is one that was arranged by the piano, the first songs "In folk style", the second songs is a concatenation of the "Cattle call and Peasant dance" and "Dance of the cowherd"." and "Dance of the cowherd."

String ensemble other song is lyrical, but this song is a fun song.

2014年9月 3日 (水)

今日の音楽 9月3日 クリスマス協奏曲(ロカテッリ) ; Music for today Sep.3





Composer Pietro Locatelli was born in Bergamo, Italy on September 3, 1695.

Locatelli is also known as a violinist, so his works were focus on violin.

Christmas Concerto, a Concerto Grosso was composed for the Mass of Christmas, and composed by  Corelli, Manfredini, Torelli and so on. Promise of Christmas Concerto seems to putting the Pastorale to a final movement.

He has put a viola in addition to the cello and violin solo instrument . It is a relatively long piece that can be from movement of seven.

2014年9月 2日 (火)

今日の音楽 9月2日 荒野の1ドル銀貨 ; Music for today Sep.2 Un dollaro bucato






Giuliano Gemma actor was born in Rome on September 2, 1938.

He was active as a player of gymnastics and boxing in high school, after the open-loop vocational some through the military service after graduation, he learned in drama school.

He appeared in the "Una pistola per Ringo/A Pistol for Ringo" spaghetti Western in stage name of Montgomery Wood in 1965, this was a hit worldwide.He was a worldwide star and appeared in quick succession in spaghetti Western "Un dollaro bucato/One Silver Dollar/Blood for a Silver Dollar" and "ARIZONA COLT ," then.

The theme song of spaghetti western masterpiece that was melancholy in marked contrast to the brutal contents are aligned. The most famous composer is Ennio Morricone, but Gianni Ferrio who is known for "Parole ,Parole" has composed the theme song of "Un dollaro bucato." It is a famous piece of music is played at the beginning whistle from the stroke of the guitar.

The title of  "Un dollaro bucato" is given to the fact that it was saved soul hits the silver coins that were placed in the chest when Gary O'Hara, played by Giuliano Gemma was shot.

2014年9月 1日 (月)

今日の音楽 9月1日 アステリズム ; Music for today Sep. 1 Asterism





Conductor Seiji Ozawa was born in Manchuria September 1, 1935.

Seiji Ozawa is the most excellent  Japanese conductor ,who playde music director of the Vienna State Opera. He has recorded many works in the Boston Symphony Orchestra, who served as the music director about 30 years from 1973 to 2002 in particular.

Friendship with Japanese composer Toru Takemitsu had been deep and Seiji Ozawa has played many works of him.  "Asterism"piano concerto   is composed in commissioned from the RCA Victor and was premiered by a piano solo of Yuji Takahashi and Toronto Symphony Orchestra .conducted by Seiji on January 14, 1969.

Quiet piano phrase by visiting immediately after the crescendo followed endlessly by the orchestra of the second half has reached the climax is especially impressive.

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