今日の音楽 9月30日 気楽にやれよ(オリバー!) ; Music for today Sep 30 Conseder yourself(Oliver!)
Actor Jack Wild of the United Kingdom was born on September 30, 1952.
Jack Wilde, worked as a child actor, was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor at the age of 16 in "Oliver!", and .became popular even "Melody". He was transferred to television the playing field afterwards, because he was a baby-faced and 164㎝ tall, work ended up reduced image of a child is not missing.
He had lost a voice for the vocal cord resection of cancer in 2001, but had appeared on stage in pantomime, but died of oral cancer in 2006.
"Oliver!" was the musical original of the Dickens "Oliver Twist", Is a movie that won the Academy Award 6 departments such as Award. Easy and familiar song "Yareyo comfortably" and "down-Pappa" many, "Yareyo at ease" it is also known as Oliver march, among others.
« 今日の音楽 9月29日 火の玉ロック ; Music for today Sep 29 Great balls of fire | トップページ | 今日の音楽 10月1日 交響曲第12番(ショスタコーヴィチ) ; Music for today Oct 1 Symphony No.12 (Shostakovich) »
この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 今日の音楽 9月30日 気楽にやれよ(オリバー!) ; Music for today Sep 30 Conseder yourself(Oliver!):
« 今日の音楽 9月29日 火の玉ロック ; Music for today Sep 29 Great balls of fire | トップページ | 今日の音楽 10月1日 交響曲第12番(ショスタコーヴィチ) ; Music for today Oct 1 Symphony No.12 (Shostakovich) »