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« 今日の音楽 9月27日 ヴァイオリン協奏曲第8番(シュポア) ; Music for today Sep.27 Violin concerto No.8(Spohr) | トップページ | パイオニア交響楽団第26回定期演奏会・4 »

2014年9月28日 (日)

今日の音楽 9月28日 波止場 ; Music for today Sep 28 On the waterfront



順風満帆だったエリア・カザンの経歴に暗い影を落としたのが、1950年代に行われた赤狩り でした。短期間共産党に加入していたエリア・カザンも疑われ、司法取引として共産主義者の疑いのある友人を告発したため後々まで批判の対象となってしまいました。


Elia Kazan film director died September 28, 2003.

He was Born in Istanbul, Turkey in 1909, and emigrated to the United States at the age of four. His debut as an actor was 1935 after he studied theater at Yale University aims to showman. Drama that was directed in 1942 "close call" has won the Pulitzer Prize, the directorial debut movie "Brooklyn Alley" in 1944. He has built a strong position in Hollywood who directed the 1947 "Gentlemen's agreement" has won the Academy Award, and Best Director.

It was the Red Scare in the 1950s. that was overshadowed in the history of the area Kazan who was smooth sailing   It has become the subject of criticism until later because the area Kazan who had joined the Communist Party in a short period of time is also suspected, accused the friend suspected of communist as a plea bargain.

He directed  "Splendor In The Grass" and "East of Eden" thereafter. A work of 1954, "On the Waterfront" is a work that draw a longshoreman to confront the boss of the Mafia, was awarded the Academy Award of 8 department  Award, such as the Best Director. Leonard Bernstein was in charge of music , it is played as a suite of music.

« 今日の音楽 9月27日 ヴァイオリン協奏曲第8番(シュポア) ; Music for today Sep.27 Violin concerto No.8(Spohr) | トップページ | パイオニア交響楽団第26回定期演奏会・4 »





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« 今日の音楽 9月27日 ヴァイオリン協奏曲第8番(シュポア) ; Music for today Sep.27 Violin concerto No.8(Spohr) | トップページ | パイオニア交響楽団第26回定期演奏会・4 »