今日の音楽 9月25日 交響曲第2番(ショスタコーヴィチ) ; Music for today Sep.25 Symphony No.2 (Shostakovich)
Composer Dmitry Shostakovich of the USSR was born in St. Petersburg on September 25, 1906.
Shostakovich was the greatest composer of the 20th century, but the rating is different at the mercy of politics and nation.
Symphony No. 2 to pick up this time is one of them.
It has been a composer commissioned for the 10th anniversary of October Revolution in 1927. Momentum of trying to build a new society by revolution is high, avant-garde artistic activity was thriving at that time. Therefore, he took a single movement configuration and destroyed ordinary movement configyration, and in a manner avant-garde for its time, such as ultra counterpoint atonalityin 27 voices, this song which premiered in November 5, 1927 was well received.
However, socialist realism becomes to be promoted to become Stalin regime, avant-garde music would be oppressed. In addition, it is also shy away from the west side from that of the chorus lyrics praising Lenin enters, playing frequency has become the song extremely low even now.
« 今日の音楽 9月24日 愛は勝つ ; Music for today Sep.24 Ai wa katsu | トップページ | 今日の音楽 9月26日 ヴァイオリン協奏曲第4番(パガニーニ) ; Music for today Sep 26 Violin concerto No.4(Paganini) »
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« 今日の音楽 9月24日 愛は勝つ ; Music for today Sep.24 Ai wa katsu | トップページ | 今日の音楽 9月26日 ヴァイオリン協奏曲第4番(パガニーニ) ; Music for today Sep 26 Violin concerto No.4(Paganini) »