今日の音楽 9月24日 愛は勝つ ; Music for today Sep.24 Ai wa katsu
シンガー・ソングライターのKan は1962年9月24日に福岡で生まれました。
Kan of singer and song writer was born in Fukuoka on September 24, 1962.
He had studied piano up to two years junior high school from 6 years old, KAN has continued to music activities, such as band and also studied guitar by himself. He got the solo debut in 1987 after graduating from university and It became a big hit to sell 200 million copies, "Ai Wa Katsu(means Love must win)" which was adopted in Ending Theme TV program "Yamadakatsutenai TV" in 1991.
It is a powerful Love Song singing "Ai wa katsu" and he has been singing "Love is always the last win," . There's a Wikipedia of Chinese English, French, Indonesian, and Russian about Kan ・・・I cannot understand.
« パイオニア交響楽団第26回定期演奏会・3 | トップページ | 今日の音楽 9月25日 交響曲第2番(ショスタコーヴィチ) ; Music for today Sep.25 Symphony No.2 (Shostakovich) »
« パイオニア交響楽団第26回定期演奏会・3 | トップページ | 今日の音楽 9月25日 交響曲第2番(ショスタコーヴィチ) ; Music for today Sep.25 Symphony No.2 (Shostakovich) »