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« 今日の音楽 9月14日 時間よとまれ ; Music for today Sep 14 Jikan yo tomare | トップページ | 今日の音楽 9月16日 巣立ちの歌 ; Music for today Sep 16 "Sudachi no uta" »

2014年9月15日 (月)

今日の音楽 9月15日 7月4日に生まれて ; Music for today Sep 15 Born on the Fourth of July






Film director Oliver Stone was born in New York on September 15, 1946.

Oliver Stone learned filmmaking from Martin Scorsese at New York University to discharge served after the Vietnam War. He  had been stagnant for a while, but in charge of the screenplay of "Midnight Express" in 1978, and was awarded the Academy Award dramatization.

After he won an Academy Best Director and oversees utilizing the experience of the Vietnam War the "Platoon", and oversees the many hit cinemas such as "Wall Street" and "JFK" thereafter. Oliver Stone wrote the screenplay himself in most of the supervision work.

It is a work that takes advantage of the experience of "Platoon" similar to the Vietnam War and also "Born on the Fourth of July." However, whereas Platoon are on the stage of the battlefield, except that it is focused on the post-war and is "Born on the Fourth of July" is different.

John Williams was in charge of the music.

« 今日の音楽 9月14日 時間よとまれ ; Music for today Sep 14 Jikan yo tomare | トップページ | 今日の音楽 9月16日 巣立ちの歌 ; Music for today Sep 16 "Sudachi no uta" »





« 今日の音楽 9月14日 時間よとまれ ; Music for today Sep 14 Jikan yo tomare | トップページ | 今日の音楽 9月16日 巣立ちの歌 ; Music for today Sep 16 "Sudachi no uta" »