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« 今日の音楽 5月7日 ハープサルの思い出 Music for today; May 7 The Souvenir de Hapsal | トップページ | 今日の音楽 5月9日 交響曲第1番(ブルックナー) Music for today; May 9 Symphony No.1(Bruckner) »

2014年5月 8日 (木)

今日の音楽 5月8日 スウェーデン狂詩曲第1番 Music for today; May 8 Svensk rapsody





Composer Alfvén has passed away May 8, 1960.

Characteristic of the music of Alfvén is the music that takes into account the landscape of Sweden and orchestration a color to the post-romanticism. Himself, was good at music, such as the painting because he was a man, also known as a painter. His work has been writing many symphony orchestra work include five symphonies , but it is regrettable that not very well known in Japan

It is the Swedish Rhapsody's best known work during his. He composed three songs as Swedish Rhapsodys, but there is no continuous cropping of No. 1 thing that 1932 is third last in 1901. It is a work opportunity to hear the most, "Midsummer vigil ," the first number in many cases. He painted the 1st of young people on the day of the summer solstice, the melody of the clarinet is scene that was exhilarated did before the festival is a light first part, scene of fun festival, a little melancholic the dawn last in the second part . It is a tune with excellent pictorial depiction to be.

However, to say that dawn time of the summer solstice because it is the midnight sun, but I do not see at all with solemn feel like the dawn of our Japan, orchestration rich sense of color that specializes in the Alfvén was unlike such as Sibelius I can feel the atmosphere of Northern Europe.

« 今日の音楽 5月7日 ハープサルの思い出 Music for today; May 7 The Souvenir de Hapsal | トップページ | 今日の音楽 5月9日 交響曲第1番(ブルックナー) Music for today; May 9 Symphony No.1(Bruckner) »





« 今日の音楽 5月7日 ハープサルの思い出 Music for today; May 7 The Souvenir de Hapsal | トップページ | 今日の音楽 5月9日 交響曲第1番(ブルックナー) Music for today; May 9 Symphony No.1(Bruckner) »