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« 今日の音楽 5月3日 歌劇「ザンパ」序曲 Music for today; May 3 "Zampa" overture | トップページ | 今日の音楽 5月5日 レモンの花咲くところ Music for today ;May 5 Wo die Zitronen blüh'n »

2014年5月 4日 (日)

今日の音楽 5月4日 さらばハイセイコー Music for today; May 4 Saraba Haiseiko






Haiseiko Racehorse in Japan died on May 4, 2000.

Haiseiko invincible at the local horse racing, is a horse who was active in his debut in the 1973 Japan racing Association  long-awaited.

It has remained in the memory of Japanese still involving a lot of people as well as horse racing fan, as the driving force behind the first-order horse racing boom. It will not be an exaggeration to say that it has turned into a national pastime from the image of the negative of the horse racing gambling.

When Haiseiko was retired in 1975,"Farewell, high Seiko" that Masuzawa Sueo that has been riding for many years sang was a huge hit to sell a 50 million copies.

Haiseiko  out into the world and "Katsuranohaiseiko" as a stallion was subsequently sent a rest of his life in Hokkaido and retired to stud in 1997.

« 今日の音楽 5月3日 歌劇「ザンパ」序曲 Music for today; May 3 "Zampa" overture | トップページ | 今日の音楽 5月5日 レモンの花咲くところ Music for today ;May 5 Wo die Zitronen blüh'n »





« 今日の音楽 5月3日 歌劇「ザンパ」序曲 Music for today; May 3 "Zampa" overture | トップページ | 今日の音楽 5月5日 レモンの花咲くところ Music for today ;May 5 Wo die Zitronen blüh'n »