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« 今日の音楽 5月29日 アストゥリアス(伝説) Music for today; May 29 Asturias | トップページ | 今日の音楽 5月31日 どろぼうかささぎ Music for today; May 31 La Gazza Ladra »

2014年5月30日 (金)

今日の音楽 5月30日 パットン大戦車軍団 Music for today; May 30 Patton




An American film director Franklin J. Schaffner was born in Tokyo on May 30, 1920.

His father was a missionary and he immigrated to the United States when father died at the age of 16. And served in World War II, and worked as a director entered the television industry after returning home,  and after then  he  became a film director and worked on the masterpiece "Planet of the Apes" and "Papillon"

"Patton" won the Academy Award seven and best director and best picture award in the works depicting the activities of George Patton General of the United States Army who was active in World War II. Jerry Goldsmith took charge of music.

« 今日の音楽 5月29日 アストゥリアス(伝説) Music for today; May 29 Asturias | トップページ | 今日の音楽 5月31日 どろぼうかささぎ Music for today; May 31 La Gazza Ladra »





« 今日の音楽 5月29日 アストゥリアス(伝説) Music for today; May 29 Asturias | トップページ | 今日の音楽 5月31日 どろぼうかささぎ Music for today; May 31 La Gazza Ladra »