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« 今日の音楽 5月18日 パラード(サティ) Music for today; May 18 Parad(Satie) | トップページ | 今日の音楽 5月20日 ハーフ・ブリード  Music for today ;May 20 Half-breed »

2014年5月19日 (月)

今日の音楽 5月19日 ピンボールの魔術師  Music for today; May 19 Pinball Wizard





Pete Townshend of the rock guitarist was born in London on May 19, 1945.

He was playing Dixieland jazz band  with John Entwistle of friends in college age, but he joined the band Roger Daltrey led eventually. The band evolved into The Who that became a major performance to destroy the guitar on stage also .

Pete Townshend When did show their ability as a creator, rock opera is "Tommy". Has been a significant contribution in terms of expanding the boundaries of rock music  make full use of counterpoint as well as classic.

In the fourth album by The Who, which was announced in 1969, the story of Tommy, which had suffered a failure of vision, hearing, speech in shock when he saw the murder committed by his father . The "Pinball Wizard", song that Tommy was awake as genius of pinball suddenly, many artists have covered, including Elton John.

« 今日の音楽 5月18日 パラード(サティ) Music for today; May 18 Parad(Satie) | トップページ | 今日の音楽 5月20日 ハーフ・ブリード  Music for today ;May 20 Half-breed »





« 今日の音楽 5月18日 パラード(サティ) Music for today; May 18 Parad(Satie) | トップページ | 今日の音楽 5月20日 ハーフ・ブリード  Music for today ;May 20 Half-breed »