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2014年4月30日 (水)

今日の音楽 4月30日 ヴィリアの歌 Music for today; April 30 Song of Vilja




Lehar, known as a composer of operetta was born in Hungary on April 30, 1870.

He learned in Prague Conservatory from Dvrak so on, and made its debut in Vienna as a composer of operetta through the military band length.

He become a popular composer suddenly by "The Merry Widow".which was composed in 1905, and he created a second phase golden age of operetta.  Characteristic of his work is a beautiful melody  and I think that he was the composer of the 20th century's most as a malody makers.  "Vilja Song" is a famous aria sung by the widow Hanna at the beginning of the second act. Vilja is the spirit of the forest that would have captivated the hearts of young people.

2014年4月29日 (火)

今日の音楽 4月29日 楽園への道 Music for today; April 29 The walk to the paradise garden





Conductor Thomas Beecham of England was born on April 29, 1879.

Beecham who was born to a wealthy family as the son of a noble family of the Beecham Pharma has been doing to their favorite or make a orchestra in invested a huge asset, or reserve  the Royal Opera House only for himself. Encounter friendship seems to have followed Delius this time.

To say that, Beecham has left a big mark on the music scene in the UK rather than the debauchery of the rich only. Creation of a London Philharmonic Orchestra in 1932 is one of them.

Delius that Beecham often played his music actively is the composer who walked the road of their own that do not belong to any faction easier.

"The walk to the paradise garden" is a interlude in "The village Romeo and Juliet" opera and is music couple who eloped start walking on the road to death  It is the music of healing fantastic.

2014年4月28日 (月)

今日の音楽 4月28日 クレルヴォ交響曲 Music for today; April 28 Kullervo-sinfonia




"Kullervo-sinfonia~ op.7 of Sibelius was premiered in Helsinki on April 28, 1892.

Sibelius himself wrote "symphonic poem for chorus, soloists and orchestra" in the door of the music score, but it is said to symphony because of its size of scale and the arrangement and structure of the movement.

This piece is longest in the works of seven symphonies of Sibelius.  "Kullervo" is the story corresponding to Chapter 36 from Chapter 31 of the Finnish epic "Kalevala". about atmosphere of this piece ,Sibelius color is still weak and rather be felt strong smell of romantic music.

2014年4月27日 (日)

今日の音楽 4月27日 エリーゼのために  Music for today; April 27 For Elise




"Fur Elise" by L.V.Beethoven was composed on April 27, 1810.

"Fur Elise" is  one of the songs that are lovers all over the world among the works of Beethoven , and are made with lovely bright portion representing a fun time with loved ones, from intense portion representing the sadness and anguish of love You.

There are several theories about the "Elise", but Therese Malfattii or Elisabeth Rekkeru of soprano is leading opinions.

2014年4月26日 (土)

今日の音楽 4月26日 交響曲第4番(アイヴズ) Music for today; April 26 Symphony No.4(Ives)




Symphony No. 4 of Ives has been premiered at the performance of American Symphony Orchestra conducted by Stokowski in April 26, 1965.

Music with a cacophony of Ives was not understood enough under his subsistence, and came to be evaluated as a pioneer of contemporary American music  in the mid-post-mortem 20th century. Symphony No. 4 was composed between 1910-1911, but it  was premiered in 1927  only to the second movement and all piece was  premierede  more than 10 years later after his death.

This song has been composed based on a number of many hymns . You can listen we also know well "Nearer, My God, to Thee." The second movement is in the best part, because  quoted "Washington Post" "Homen Sweet Home, ""Clarinet Quintet of Mozart" and ""Camptown Races", such as ,and is a fun song despite the storm of dissonance. The third movement is a very beautiful song changed by typing.

2014年4月25日 (金)

今日の音楽 4月25日 ワルツイ短調op.34-2(ショパン) Music for today; April 25 Waltz A-minor op.34-2(Chopin)

ウクライナ生まれのピアニスト アレクサンダー・ブライロフスキーは1976年4月25日にアメリカで亡くなりました。




Pianist Alexander Brailowsky who was born in Ukrainian- died in the United States on April 25, 1976.

When he was a student of the Kiev Conservatory,Rachmaninoff found him and he went to study to Vienna. He debuted in Paris in 1919, and he was granted French citizenship in 1926, but has been naturalized in the United States in the end.

He specializes in the works of Chopin, had a good reputation for performance of the waltz in particular. However, But it did not like success playing style, such as in the taste speak for cool and clear sound, as compared to Europe era not meeting the climate of the time overwhelm loud strong.

Waltz A minor op.34-2 of Chopin  ,one of the three Waltz Brillante , is a piece from beginning to end of a gloomy atmosphere but it is Chopin waltz liked most.

2014年4月24日 (木)

今日の音楽 4月24日 カンタータ第4番「キリストは死の縄目につながれたり」 Music for today; April 24 Cantata No.4"Christ lay in death's bonds"



"Christ lay in death's bonds" which is Cantata No.4 BWV.4 of Johan Sebastian Bach was premiered on April 24, 1707.

This song is meant to be played in worship of Easter, is a cantata that is made from all eight songs. It becomes the Chorale Variations songs arranged by the chorale of Martin Luther work.except for the Sinfonia of the first song.

2014年4月23日 (水)

今日の音楽 4月23日 ピアノと管弦楽のためのバラード  Music for today; April 23 Ballad for a piano and orchestra

フォーレのピアノと管弦楽のためのバラード嬰ヘ長調op.19 は1881年4月23日に初演されました。



Ballade for piano and orchestra in F sharp major, Op. Op.19  of Faure was premiered on April 23, 1881.

This song is the early work of Faure ,so  quaint little different from the music of Faure that we know. Though this piece was composed originally for solo piano performance , it was revised in tune with the orchestra because it  is too difficult to play.
There is a long piano solo at the beginning, but in a fine solo reminiscent of the classical school, the orchestra comes in to quiet to listen.

Structure of the song is simple, and title ballad comes from only no name to call this song maybe.

2014年4月22日 (火)

今日の音楽 4月22日 スペース・ファンタジー Music for today; April 22 Space Fantasy





Isao Tomita ,composer and arranger, was born in Tokyo on April 22, 1932.

It was Osaka Expo which Isao Tomita the composer of the "Kimba the White Lion"  and "New Japan Travelogue" met synthesizer.  When he listened to synthesizer Moog there, he had been felt "This is music that I want to do.," So he  arranged and released by the works of Debussy "Clair de Lune".After  that  he became artists worldwide by "Pictures at an Exhibition" and "Firebird" that they had become a classic top chart in the United States.

"Space fantasy" is fifth album of Isao Tomita " space fantasy song corresponding to the first track of ". (The second song Overseas Edition). This song R. Strauss of the Also Sprach Zarathustra , Wagner of Ride of the Valkyries "and Tannhauser overture . It is omnibus to arrange three songs of ..

Because these three pieces had made excellent original orchestration, there are also quite powerful arrangement to the synthesizer.

2014年4月21日 (月)

今日の音楽 4月21日 交響曲第6番(ヴォーン=ウィリアムズ) Music for today; April 21 Symphony No.6(Vaughan=Williams)




Symphony No. 6 in E minor of Vaughan Williams composition was premiered in London for playing the Sir Adrian Boult command BBC Symphony Orchestra on April 21, 1948.

Vaughan Williams had become the 75-year-old already composer motivation is vigorous, and it is different from the symphony from No.1 to No.5 except No.4 which was combative with violent dissonance. It is said that up to the third movement from the first movement and reflects the turmoil of World War II.

Final movement, which accounts for one third of the whole, is played pianissimo throughout In contrast, it is considered that this is representing the silence of life rather than those implied peace. It is finished so that it may disappear.

2014年4月20日 (日)

今日の音楽 4月20日 2つの肖像(バルトーク) Music for today ;April 20th Two Portraits for Orchestra



Két portré (2 Portraits for Orchestra) composed by Bartok was premiered on April 20, 1916.

Két portré are made ​​up of two songs of "ugly" and "ideal". This song is based on his Violin Concerto No. 1  which was not published during his lifetime. First song is amends the first movement and  the second song was from the second movement diversion at first, but later  it was rivised to be orchestrated "My sweetheart dance" the finale of "14 Bagatelles for piano".

2014年4月19日 (土)

今日の音楽 4月19日 予言者(マイアーベア) Music for today; April 19 The Profet(Meyerbeer)





Opera composer Meyerbeer "prophet" was premiered in Paris on April 19, 1849.

Meyerbeer is a composer to establish a new grand opera by the eclectic German opera by Mozartand of Italian style typified by Rossini and had a major impact on later composers.

It is said that his work did not get only evaluated as imitator of Rossini at the time, but the orchestration advanced had a major impact on the Wagner.

Is one of the representative works of Meyerbeer, coronation march to be played in the fourth act in particular is well known for its brilliant song as imposing a "Les prophet".

2014年4月18日 (金)

今日の音楽 4月18日 序曲ハ長調(メンデルスゾーン) Music for today;April 18 Overture C-major(Mendelssohn)





Overture in C major op.24 for wind music of Mendelssohn was premiered on April 18, 1828.

There were fewpieces for wind band in the Romantics, but was composed for brass band here when Mendelssohn was traveling north German Baltic coast, became the prototype of the Overture in C major were. The song itself has been lost, but the music has become the current figure is added the revision is restored after.

It was music for 23 percussions and wins instruments  under the title "Notturno" when it was restored, but it was now in tune for brass band revised in 1838.

The song is the music vibrant for sounding classic.

2014年4月17日 (木)

今日の音楽 4月17日 失われた地平線  Music for today; April 17 The lost horizon




Actress Olivia Hussey was born in Buenos Aires on April 17, 1951.

Olivia Hussey became a popular star in "Romeo and Juliet" movie, but I wonder she was end with a one-hit  because she  blessed with work . But she has come out in several films, one of the works in it was the musical "Lost Horizon". Her father was opera singer, so she sung safely.

"Share The Joy" is a song that Olivia danced and sang to welcome the people who have strayed to utopia Shangri-La.

2014年4月16日 (水)

今日の音楽 4月16日 涙のくちづけ Music for today; April 16 Sealed with a kiss



Bobby Vinton singer was born in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania in the United States on April 16, 1935.

He has worked out a hit song  "Mr. Lonely," "and" Blue Velvet "in the 1960s. One of the greatest hits of his "Sealed with a kiss" is a masterpiece born also cover a number of the Lettermen and so on.

2014年4月15日 (火)

今日の音楽 4月15日 エレクトリカル・パレード Music for today; April 15 Electrical Parade





Tokyo Disneyland was opened in April 15, 1983.

Tokyo Disneyland is a theme park that is not a direct management only in Disney 5 theme parks of Disney . Which was built in Urayasu, Chiba Prefecture Orientaland co. performs a license agreement, is not a major theme zone like the present, it was a theme park that is a small and relatively only official hotel and four Disneyland initially.

Following the success of Tokyo Disneyland, many theme parks were built in all of Japan , but followers of the theme park the other, such as production of non-daily life customer service and thorough and various conditions such as transport links from the big city do not tolerate, we have been profitable even now in '30.

One of the highlights of Disneyland, will be Main Street Electrical Parade is a parade of the night. Fantellusion  has been conducted for six years the way, but it is implemented as Electrical Parade Dreamlights now.

2014年4月14日 (月)

今日の音楽 4月14日 見よ勇者は帰る Music for today; April 14 See the conquering hero comes





Composer Georg Frederic Handel died at the age of 74 on April 14, 1759.

Handel was born in the same year as J.S.Bach, he worked as a musician surpassing Bach at the time,  but since Bach was reviewed in the 19th century , little evaluation seems to have gone down.

Handel is still not turn into it is a composer to represent the baroque, along with Bach.

There are a lot of songs " Largo (Ombra Mai Fu)" or the "Hallelujah" even know Speaking of Handel, but the most famous song'd say "See the conquering hero comes". It is a music which is indispensable for the awards ceremony of sports events and athletic meet, but the original is a song in the "Judas Machabeus" oratorio. "Judas Machabeus" is the hero who freed Israel from pagan to force idolatry. This song is sung as a hymn, and sung to Christmas, especially in Europe.

2014年4月13日 (日)

今日の音楽 4月13日 ニューヨーク、ニューヨーク Music for today; April 13 New York, New York




Film director Stanley Donen was born in South Carolina on April 13, 1924.

He had served as a chorus on Broadway first, and hit it off with Gene Kelly starring, Stanley Donen was boarded in Hollywood as an assistant to Kelly.

First He repeate  his career as a dancer and choreographer at MGM, and after that he has led to the blockbuster movie by director in collaboration with Kelly, such as "On the town" and "Singin 'in the Rain"

It has spun off a masterpiece  such as musical numbers "Seven brides for seven brothers" and romantic pieces "Funny Face" and "Charade" as an independent director .

"New York, New York" is Representative song "On the town", composed by Leonard Bernstein .

2014年4月12日 (土)

今日の音楽 4月12日 シュタイル風舞曲  Music for today; April 12 Styrian Dances




Composer Josef Lanner of Austria was born in Vienna on April 12, 1801.

He was establishing a Viennese waltz prior to the Strauss family, and  also known as the father of the Viennese waltz. He has composed the work of more than 400 songs waltz, polka, gallop, and Landler.

Styrian Dances is one of the representative works of him and very gracious Landler . Many people know Stravinsky was diverted third field of ballet ,Waltz, of "Petrushka"

2014年4月11日 (金)

今日の音楽 4月11日 渡良瀬橋  Music for today; April 11, Watarasebashi




Moritaka Chisato singer-songwriter was born in Ibaraki, Osaka on April 11, 1969 .

Moritaka began performing arts activities won the Grand Prix of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. in the "1st Pocari Sweat Image Girl Contest" in 1986.
She had been working in parallel singer and actress initially, but now put our focus on the singer gradually.
She became a popular musician to hit the remake of  MinamiSaori "17-year-old"

" Watashi ga obasan ni nattemo (it means "even if I will be old lady") was also won the women many fans with hit ".

"Watarasebashi(It means Watarasebashi bridge)" is a hit song in 1993. Watarase River  through the northern Kanto in the tributaries of the Tone River. Watarasebashi is a bridge in the Ashikaga city.

2014年4月10日 (木)

今日の音楽 4月10日 贖罪  Music for today; April 10 Symphonic Poem"Redemption"




Symphonic interlude music of Frank (symphonic poem) "Atonement" was premiered on April 10, 1873.

This song was composed as oratorio that is configured based on the poetry of Edouard Blow originally.
Symphonic interlude was being inserted into the second part of the oratorio, but this oratorio premiere had failed. After that, Franck  adapted only this interlude the recommendation of the surrounding, and  this is Symphonic Poem"Atonement".

It is a very sublime song that seems to be Frank.

2014年4月 9日 (水)

今日の音楽 4月9日 ヴィオラ協奏曲(バルトーク) Music for today; April 9 Viola concerto(Bartok)


ドラティは父親がブダペスト・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団のヴァイオリン奏者で、母親がピアノの教師という環境で育ちました。フランツ・リスト音楽院コダーイ に作曲を、バルトークにピアノを学びました。


バルトーク作曲のヴィオラ協奏曲は、作曲途中でバルトークが亡くなってしまったため、現在は、ハンガリーの作曲家シェルイ・ティボール が補筆・完成させたものが演奏される事が殆どです。バルトークの草稿はヴィオラ独奏の部分はほぼ完成していましたが、その他は草稿自体も未完成でシェルイの補筆も批判が多いようですが、優美な曲調や技巧的なヴィオラ独奏によって、ヴィオラ奏者の主要なレパートリーとなっています。

Antal Dorati ,conductor and composer, was born in Budapest on April 9, 1906.

He grew up in an environmento that his father was violin player of Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra and mother  was piano teacher. He enter Franz Liszt Academy of Music and learned composition by Kodaly and piano by Bartok.

In 1924 the Hungarian State Opera plays a conductor debut, he worked as a conductor in Germany ,the United States and many other country thereafter. In 1949 Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra and has a world premiere of the Viola Concerto of Bartok composed by the command.

Bartok had died before he finished to compose this Viola Concerto, so Serly Tibol finished it and today many of musicians will play on this version.

Part of the solo viola had almost completed draft of Bartok, Sherly's version has been a target of criticism because of its thin orchestration ,but  viola solo is artful and graceful melody,so many viola player making it the primary repertoire.

2014年4月 8日 (火)

今日の音楽 4月8日 白鳥姫(シベリウス) Music for today;April 8 Swanwhite(Sibelius)

Swanwhite composed by Sibelius was first performed on April 8,1908.

この曲はスウェーデンの作家ストリンドベリ の戯曲の為に書かれましたが、現在では専ら7曲をピックアップした組曲が演奏されます。
This music wascomposed for  drama written by  Strindberg of Sweden.   But the suite which took up seven music chiefly is performed now.

1.くじゃく The Peacock
2.ハープ The Harp
3.薔薇を持った乙女たち The Maidens with Roses
4.きけ、こまどりが踊っている Listen! The Robin Sings
5.王子は一人 The Prince Alone
6.白鳥姫と王子 Swanwhite and the Prince
7.賞賛の歌 Song of Praise

Music may feel it as different  when conscious of Sibelius's music just for a moment.
It is comparatively plain music.

2014年4月 7日 (月)

今日の音楽 4月7日 恋の診断書 Music for today;April 7 Doctor's order



Carol Douglas, a singer in early disco music, was born April 7, 1974 in Brooklyn ,New York.

The solo debut with a song called "medical certificate of love" in 1974 the music rankings of disco chart began, she rose to second place aboard the disco boom, but she had finished one-hit wonder. Chattering  entering the intro was impressive.

2014年4月 6日 (日)

今日の音楽 4月6日 序曲「美しいメルジーネ」 Music for today April 6 Overture"The Beautiful Melusine"




Some of the works of Mendelssohn, there are many such works of, or not very well known though it is why such good songs, so this "beautiful Merujine" even I do not play much,too. One of reasons is many of his  piece is technically difficult amateur orchestra to play . And the other reason is although romanticist music ,tuba and trombones are not being used .And This piece also seems to be no easy as long as the scores.

Merujine is the water nymph which has beautiful woman upper body, lower body that snake. The story was: Merujine married knight  become a human figure, but that, going away for was the sight of real knight for breaking my promise at that time as "The Grateful Crane". It is a very beautiful and melancholy song.

Overture"The Beautiful Melusine" was first performed on April 6,1834.

2014年4月 5日 (土)

今日の音楽 4月5日 オラトリオ「かんらん山上のキリスト」 Music for today April 5 Oratorio"Christ on the Mountain of Olives"




Oratorio"Christ on the mountain of olives"op.85 composed by L.V.Beethoven was first performed on April 5,1803 at the theater an der Wien in Vienna.

This piece is drew about the prayer to Jehovah of Christ on the mountain of olive and his assion .
Response seems to be greater at the time of the premiere, but there is no that is played mostly by now.

It takes 60 minutes to play you are able to songs from six with a chorus and solo soprano, tenor and bass, but I think the song may be a solemn quite. It will be one of the major causes less opportunity to be playing a little too long.

2014年4月 4日 (金)

今日の音楽 4月4日 ヴァイオリン協奏曲第1番(サン=サーンス) Music for today April 4, Violin concerto No.1(Saint-Saens)




Violin Concerto No.1 A major op.20 compoesed by Saint-Saens was first performed on April 4,1867.

Number of No. 1 on account of the publication are marked with this song, but it has been composed after the second really.
It is the work of a single movement, but it has composition that combines the movement of three.

Famous No. 3 is very romantic, but the No. 1 has become the song to hear the finesse of classical violin in the second half.

2014年4月 3日 (木)

今日の音楽 4月3日 蜘蛛の饗宴 Music for today April 3; The Spider's Feast




Ballet music "The Spider's Feast" composed by Albert Charles Paul Marie Roussel was first performed on April 3,1913.

Many of the early works of Roussel, was composed by impressionistic style influenced by Ravel and Debussy , but soon , his style went classical direction ,and be unique composer becoase of his heavy orchestration I don't think French music oriented.

"Feast of the spider" is often played as a suite of Concert. It is composed in brushwork impressionistic because it is early work. It was composed in response to inspiration from  Fabre of " insect-mentioned ".
It was sensous music drawing insects caught by spider’s nest and eaten by the spider.



2014年4月 2日 (水)

今日の音楽 4月2日 涅槃交響曲 Music for today April 2, Symphony Nirvana





Nirvana Symphony MayuzumiToshio the April 2, 1958 Hiroyuki Iwaki has been premiered at the performance of the NHK Symphony Orchestra conductor.

Works very ambitious, has been restored in the orchestra on it or place apart and divided into three groups male chorus likened to a shomyo. Also he recorded sound of the bonsho(Buddhist bells) and analised it to represent in Orchestra.

Took up the difficult subject a very fusion of Western music and Buddhism, and has been finished to a song you do not lose the comfort Having said that contemporary music, this song was awarded the 7th Otaka Prize the following year.



2014年4月 1日 (火)

今日の音楽 4月1日 幻想曲「岩」 Music for today April 1 Fantasy"The Rock"




Fantasy "The Rock" composed by Rachmaninoff was premiered in April 1,1894 which was the birthday of Rachmaninoff himself.

Fantasy "rock" is one of the orchestral works of the first period for the Rachmaninoff. At the beginning of the work Mikhail Lermontov poem has been cited, but the idea of this song is not intended to be received from this poem directly, listed as epigraph a passage from this poem Chekhov short story of the "on the road" It is the one that was inspired.

Middle-aged man who was tired of life will acquaintance hit it off with a young daughter in the inn, but it spun off a daughter who knew that it is the way to the coal mine, such as the place of exile, she will journey. Chekhov seems to have likened to a rock figure snow lying the man to continue seeing off the figure of her. It is a dark and heavy song at first, but we will proceed to the tone and brilliant light before long.

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